If GPU speed is 4 billion op/s (~2^32), then it will takes 2^28.5 seconds to solve.
2^28.5 seconds is ~4393 days
4393 days / 8 GPUs = ~549 days to solve.
There calculations on Kangaroo Github, that #120 will require ~2 months with 256x V100 (~2 billion op/s each)
Ok thanks for the correction so the average cost will be
549/7 *1000 about 78000 $ (not profitable ;( )
It's baked specifically for one task (SHA256) and can not be easily made to do something else.
Yes I know that but i want to know if it feasible to develop such of "specific circuit" by a man or in team in is garage ( )for a relative low cost ?
this study gives diagrams for implementing SECP256K1 addition/multiplication/modular inversion on 256bits integers on a FPGA.
But i dont know what sort of performance it can have on FPGA (op/s) ?
If it is fast for relative low cost parrellised FPGA chips can may be an alternative to GPU??
Maybe is it possible to "convert" this diagram to develop an ASIC.?