Please, someone make a scrypt for automatic shifting pubkey to "zero" ? I was try many times and not found any keys I think because of this. Manualy shift all pubkeys to "zero" is f**ing work, trust me please.
def inverse(x, p):
Calculate the modular inverse of x ( mod p )
inv1 = 1
inv2 = 0
while p != 1 and p!=0:
quotient = x // p
inv1, inv2 = inv2, inv1 - inv2 * quotient
x, p = p, x % p
n = n+1
return inv2
def dblpt(pt, p):
Calculate pt+pt = 2*pt
if pt is None:
return None
(x,y)= pt
if y==0:
return None
slope= 3*pow(x,2,p)*pow(2*y,p-2,p)
xsum= pow(slope,2,p)-2*x
ysum= slope*(x-xsum)-y
return (xsum%p, ysum%p)
def addpt(p1,p2, p):
Calculate p1+p2
if p1 is None or p2 is None:
return None
(x1,y1)= p1
(x2,y2)= p2
if x1==x2:
return dblpt(p1, p)
# calculate (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) modulus p
xsum= pow(slope,2,p)-(x1+x2)
ysum= slope*(x1-xsum)-y1
return (xsum%p, ysum%p)
def ptmul(pt,a, p):
Calculate pt*a
scale= pt
while a:
if a&1:
if acc is None:
acc= scale
acc= addpt(acc,scale, p)
scale= dblpt(scale, p)
a >>= 1
return acc
def ptdiv(pt,a,p,n):
Calculate pt/a
divpt=inverse(a, n)%n
return ptmul(pt, divpt, p)
def isoncurve(pt,p):
returns True when pt is on the secp256k1 curve
(x,y)= pt
return (y**2 - x**3 - 7)%p == 0
def getuncompressedpub(compressed_key):
returns uncompressed public key
y_parity = int(compressed_key[:2]) - 2
x = int(compressed_key[2:], 16)
a = (pow(x, 3, p) + 7) % p
y = pow(a, (p+1)//4, p)
if y % 2 != y_parity:
y = -y % p
return (x,y)
#secp256k1 constants
p = 2**256 - 2**32 - 977
g= (Gx,Gy)
#CHANGE HERE beginrange and pointstr
pointstr = '037e1238f7b1ce757df94faa9a2eb261bf0aeb9f84dbf81212104e78931c2a19dc'
pt= getuncompressedpub(pointstr)
(subptx,subpty) = ptmul(g, beginrange, p)
result=addpt(pt, (subptx,p-subpty), p)
print("shifted result> 04%064x%064x"%result)
P.S. Kangaroo app automaticly shift range and pubkey if begin range is not zero.
Good day Etar !
Help me please. Then I make revers operation - (subptx,p+subpty), I not get starting pubkey !!!
So I cant go back to 037e1238f7b1ce757df94faa9a2eb261bf0aeb9f84dbf81212104e78931c2a19dc if I add starting range.
So 037e1238f7b1ce757df94faa9a2eb261bf0aeb9f84dbf81212104e78931c2a19dc - 80000000000000000000 = 043aeb4f818ca91912a3e50d1b3db196696f82713bae00ba2b53c09a23f1d284a085b2197137256 def6c05a0f105e1b1eee9c10d23b7a4911040a23e891ebb3dc9
043aeb4f818ca91912a3e50d1b3db196696f82713bae00ba2b53c09a23f1d284a085b2197137256 def6c05a0f105e1b1eee9c10d23b7a4911040a23e891ebb3dc9 + 80000000000000000000 = 041e8e77439c921a460ce4185b864329dcba5960646e93c59d5e7bbbea8dd913fcd83777dec0468 c76fdc5b0a4ce879086e66766f520386f9db6e1999d8b0e1ad0
What I do wrong ?