Oh people ..... calm down.......
After rumors about some (huge) comcast outages i was able to figure that out and confirm that at least partially... Just look for yourself:
http://downdetector.com/status/comcast-xfinityAdditionally, some few moments ago, i was able to log in and it looked mostly like they're back in business.... But well, some bit whacky at all and really slow (which even speaks for the connection problems on the provider site).
At least, it does no longer look like a btc-e/mtgox like f*ck*p... but i still don't have my withdrawal out there and there is still some big fuzz about what happens to the bitcoin cash theyy obviously had in hand....
So i'm still angry .... but .. there is no need to produce any FUD which is just ... fantasy troll crap....
Trolling is violence, not art ...... because, if it would be art, a troll would no longer be a troll but an artist ..... and i know only _very few people_ which might be artists... the rest are just .. cheapo trolls...
Don't fall for the fud .. use your brain.
Greetings from Hamburg, Germany,