First let us all think about a Ponzi Sheme, what does this mean ?
you are right. finaly it just say nothing else then that you have to find someone else
who give you more bucks for the worthless product which you previous purchased.
Allright now. You paid less or more money, just for a little bit electricity/hot air
and you dreaming for 1000000% profit ot something of real worth.
at that point i have to be fair and told you clearly that you never hit 100000%
but my local bank gives me actual 0.1% Interest Per Year on my Money.
and compared to this, [Ponzi] PonziCoin starts @1000 Sat on the Presale Shares
and is still on a solid price between 4000 - 7000 sat per Coin. and some smart
ppl. sold at 14000 Satoshi her Ponzi`s.
nearby every 1st grade school kid can imagine the different between 1 cookie per year
and 260000 cookies per week.
and yes i know that we live in a crypto world with short time saved memmories
and thats why i repeat the following thing with some simple to understand example....
at first say Hello to Peter please.
Peter is a normal Random guy who bought 1000[PONZI] one week ago for 0.01 Bitcoin
at the actual Rate Peter can sell his Coins for around 0.05 Bitcoin
Peter earns around 500% Profit in these past 7 Days for his investment.
if you compare this to the RealWorld Interest Rates on your local bank with 0.1% per year
and 0,0019230769230769 % per Week. Peter seems to be a lucky Guy with his 500% on the same duration.
Sure we doesnt hit your Target Interest Rate of 1000000% but 26000% per Year is still a nice result.
There are some people who join the Party on the Peak @ 14000Sat per Coin but this shouldnt be
the problem from the Users who read this Text. The most of you guys have follow this Thread since Launch
and got the Chance to jump on the Train from the Beginning.
and now ne switch back to the point where we find someone else who pay more for the wet dream like you b4
Description: Next Weekend we will Release a New ICO on Yobit with the same Ammount of Coins like [PONZI]
everyone who has some PonziCoins is able to get the same Volume for the new Coin like the volume of PonziCoins he own.
You just need to own these PonziCoins. there is no Swap or Whatever. you still keep your Ponzis and get aditional
the same ammount from the new Coin. this means you loose nothing and just get something for free.
hmm wait .. for free is not the right word... you allright pay for your Ponzi`s, but i think you know what i try to say.
the Distrubution for these ICO Coins is a bit more tricky and get explained step by step later/below/on this Post.
ICO Coins : 275270
ICO Rate : 5000 Satoshi
ICO Volume : 13.76 BTC
for each [Ponzi] which you own you get one of the new coins via YobitCode instantly after the ICO is Online on Yobit.
and now the Tricky Part how you can Confirm that you XXXX Coins of Ponzi and been able to get your Shares.
we have to find a solution how to make it possible to communicate reasonable the volume of your stored coins....
and this isnt done by 2 clicks .. Sorry about that. but everything who grants profit required a bit invested time.
this step is explained on these Post :>
for the Access/Registration into that Ponzi i need to know on which Address your Coins are stored,
*maybe you say now .... this is easy .. inside my Wallet*
but no...
Each 0.00000001 [PONZI] is proceed/saved by a input on a specific Address. and i have to know the specific Address for
your Inputs ~ the equal of your whole coins.
... this sounds Difficulty .. true
but we figure out this together on this Post. => Coins have to been Stored on the Address atleast 48 Hours before the ICO get listed
and keep stored until the ICO starts. after that point you can move them however you want.
an aditional Restriction is, that i dont accept any kind of exchange address, so the coins
have to been inside your desktop Wallet.
yes i know this is a lot of text. but there will be a Version Updated tomorrow with less words and final informations.