what a crock of shit
Greedy people INVESTED in Pirates scheme and AS EXPECTED (by all the non greedy people that advised against investing) they lost their money so NOW
everyone else is greedy because???
Only 1 pool operator makes a living from running a Bitcoin pool, I offered a fee free mining service for 14months before introducing fees when faced with closing the pool as I could not afford to subsidise it any more (I had hoped miners would contribute a little back to a service they liked - most did not)- does this makes me a greedy person? - or should I have mortgaged my house to continue subsidising miners?
?? would that make me non-greedy in your eyes?
It is easy to hide behind an anonymous nick and sling mud eh.
Once again some research and facts will strengthen your case or maybe even give you one....
Look I know you guys hate pirate, I don't know him well enough to like or dislike him
I did my
due diligence and did not invest in ANY of his operation or passthrus - I do not now feel it is my duty to help people recover inadvisedly invested funds.
There are organisations with skills and resources to do this work, please contact them.
Has anyone commenced any legal proceedings? - seriously has anyone? or is this a lynch mob?
As I said previously if contacted by law enforcement I will comply if possible but vilification and lies on a forum are unlikely to get me to comply.
Talk to the miners that support GPUMAX, or the (very few) people purchasing leases on GPUMAX - they are the feeding GPUMAX money, attacking pool operators and spreading lies does nothing good for Bitcoin.
There are many ways to avoid poolside bans too, I do not have time or interest in playing IP whack-a-mole, some miners already mine direct on Ozcoin with most of their rigs but have them setup to move to GPUMAX on lease - my banning gpumax affects nothing here.
who is DonShrents anyway? google says its pirate
Is this person to be trusted and listened to?
Date Registered: September 07, 2012, 12:32:15 PM
I see
Guess I should have looked at that before responding 1st time
Best wishes
(for those interested my real name and business details are still listed in the 1st post of the Ozcoin thread)