The increase of crime has become the order of the day, citizens no longer has peace of mind, harm robbering, kidnapping, fraud and many more has become a dayly routine.
People are no longer scared of the penalty if been caught involved in crime.
This has given me so much concern and worries about it all. However, there could be a remedy or possible ways in which the rate of crime can be reduced or perhaps stopped completely in our society.
Your suggestions and view on this matter can be a savior to our society, thank you.
In order to stop crime, there are two things the state needs to do and they can overcome the growing number of crimes in a very effective way. We need to determine the root cause as why the crime occurs and how to prevent it from happening. Here are the two most important things.
1) Give more and equal opportunity to the people to grow and prosper in life. Once people have legal source of income, they won't go for the wrong way to gain money or involve in crimes.
2) Those who commit crimes, needs to give a strict punishment. Once we give punishments, other people will have fear and they will think twice before committing crimes.
Criminality does not have tribe, race or tradition. It is usually an individual decision which can be orchestrated by a group of individuals with likeminds. It is usually a decision taken by such people to deliberately take people off their own stuffs and comfort. Most of the time, the rate of crime in a given society is most at times attributed to the quality of leadership faced by such country or location.
A country that have strict laws and repercussions for criminals like China tend to experience lower amount of crime rate especially within the government coffers despite their large people of indigenes and immigrants. The government of such country or society also needs to work on the standards of living of its people across all boards as they work towards minimizing government related crimes to the bearest minimum.
It depends where you live but crime has increased in the US & Europe due to an increase in immigration. Stop immigration, stop crime. It’s pretty simple, just put a stop to illegal aliens arriving on our shores. Import the third world, become the third world.
Fair enough, immigration have equally contributed to the increased crime rate in the US and Europe, particularly those immigrants who come into the country illegally and are undocumented, some claimed that it has influenced the amount of localized increase in the crime rate, however it is not necessarily caused by the immigration itself directly, rather it's indirectly caused by Socio-economic factors such as lack of basic amenities, shelter, food and clothing often experienced by the illegal and undocumented immigrants.
As a result, it can degenerate to crime but they've also been claims that immigrants especially the undocumented ones who are usually at a higher risk of committing crime have tend to commit such criminal acts at a much lower level than the natives.