People are no longer scared of the penalty if been caught involved in crime.
This has given me so much concern and worries about it all. However, there could be a remedy or possible ways in which the rate of crime can be reduced or perhaps stopped completely in our society.
Your suggestions and view on this matter can be a savior to our society, thank you.
However in every society, there always a way to fight crime, the crime that is difficult to fight, is organized crime, which always involved those in authority in connivance with a group of few persons. But for the kind of crime and criminality you're talking about, is basically about Street gangsterism, and over the years, we've studied that most of this persons who commit this crimes are young people that are vibrant who don't have any job doing,
So in helping to fight crime, one of the basic things that government do is to look for a way to bring those young ones out of the street, and make them gainfully employed so they could have less distraction, because hence they are gainfully employed, they start breeding their own family, thereby making them to be focus on their jobs and providing for their family because thats the number one responsibility they have at hand. So the government and civil society has a responsibility of engaging the young ones by pulling them out of the street using various methods.