I have seen some crazy usernames here, but now when you asked, nothing comes to my head fast. I actually would like to have funny or strange username, but I'm not so creative and some good ideas come when it was too late already.
blue Snow: I always thought that snow is white. I just hope that we don't have user with name yellow Snow
sandy-is-fine: ok, thanks for informing us.
Use Your Brain: well, not bad suggestion
The-One-Above-All: when you have too good opinion about yourself
bonesjonesreturns: ok, thanks for letting to know
H8bussesNbicycles: yeah, it's troll account, but that's quite creative.
Slow death: that's not something what I would like to experience.
There was this user named "Hard Facts"; it's funny not because of the username per se, but because his username is a 100% opposite of his posts. His name was Hard Facts but his posts were crappy opinions.
Trolls which is usually alt accounts is quite creative and their names is often opposite of their actions.