In a financial stress situation I think it is usually very easy for someone to justify any means just to get money to overcome the financial problems they are experiencing, and not infrequently I also hear that one of the reasons someone steals is because they are experiencing problems in their financial life so they are desperate to commit various crimes to get something they need.
Yes, those are most of the facts that exist in the real world. Poor financial conditions force a person to do anything to meet his or her family's needs, but this is a different case.
Op does not mention the extreme financial pressure experienced by the gamblers above, but they are people who hope to make a profit from the gambling they play. Of course the money used is a month's salary, so the risk of losing and losing all that money is not worth the potential for winning. I never agree with that kind of gambling approach, of course because when they lose then they no longer have money for the next month.
Yes, it seems that I misunderstood what the OP said, but I think what I said above is also one of the triggers for a mindset that can endanger someone when they are in a financial stress situation, because I also see many gamblers who end up addicted, where everything is triggered by the goal of making gambling a place to overcome their financial problems.
And in the case conveyed by the OP about the mindset of people in his country, I think it is a fairly normal occurrence, or what I mean is they see that by spending just one hour they can get money equivalent to their monthly salary, but of course that is still the wrong mindset, because after all in gambling it is not only about winning but the risk of losing will always be a part.
Oh yeah I hope you can read what OP said in the last few parts where people there are thinking about gambling more often because by just spending an hour they can get money equivalent to their monthly salary to meet all the needs that cannot be met by their monthly salary, meaning aren't they also having problems with their financial situation, my friend? I think so. Lastly, OP didn't say that people there are betting the total amount of their income for a month. Regardless, I will conclude that everything we have discussed here leads to something true, even though there is a little misunderstanding.