Our 'stakers' will eventually join pools to get rid of availability requirements and such a pool acts just like a bank.
I agree that pools are undesirable in PoS, not only from a "moral"/"decentralization" perspective, but also because of security risks, and thus I don't really like LPoS ("leased proof of stake"), DPoS and similar approaches.
But there are currencies with the explicit goal to make it difficult or impossible to form staking pools - for example, Peercoin's approach is to make "stake pooling" impossible without trust (a pool would need access to the private keys and thus to the funds). In this model, pools would be similar to "Bitcoin banks" like our current exchanges and online wallet providers. These service providers are not really desirable in a cryptocurrency ecosystem, but I don't expect them to go away soon as most people are simply too lazy to look for decentralized alternatives.
The availability requirement is inherent to PoS of any flavor and Peercoin can't do anything about it. Once a stake holder has to choose between security and profit, the latter is the choice or simply migrating to a coin without such a constraint.
Being a currency does not matter, being a new class of currency matters which PoS fails to get even close.
Stake/Reputation whatever follows power distribution law and is centralized by nature. Both operational and central banks are central stores of money/stake/reputation and it is why they can efficiently process thousands of transactions per second.[...] No matter what is the name or the underlying technology, a centralized zero cost monetary system is nothing much different than a banking system.
Where is, in your opinion, the difference between centralization in the form of staking pools and centralization via mining pools? Power distribution law cannot be fully avoided in monetary systems, from all what I know until now. It seems the "holy grail" hasn't been found here, and maybe a perfect, not-centralizing cryptocurrency is simply impossible.
In my opinion there are graduations of centralization in PoS and in PoW currencies. PoS requires minimally more trust ("weak subjectivity", as Vitalik calls it), but the difference is not too big, like I've tried to show with the bitcoin.org malware example.
(I mean to remember that you proposed a PoW model which makes pools impossible. This would be a great improvement, of course, but a centralizing tendency which favours big mining farms because of scale effects would still persist.)
For PoS, being rich is enough to be rewarded for PoS you should
spend to have gains.
Centralization via mining pools in PoW sucks but it is avoidable and I have proposed Proof of Collaborative Work, PoCW in this regard, as you mention.
Power law distribution of wealth in PoS directly leads to centralization because of availability dilemma but for PoCW , it just ends to large mining farms which are not the same as mining pools because they don't take the control of other people's resources.
As a crypto geek, I believe in two very primitive axioms: Resistance Axiom and Decentralization Axiom.
Unlike what commonly is supposed, these are not design goals or agendas, what we want or try to achieve (perhaps relatively), instead both axioms are about the feasibility of such design goals.
Axiom of Resistance is about state/government control:
It is feasible to resist state control.
Axiom of Decentralization says:
It is feasible to have a P2P network with majority of power under the control of the majority of participants.
Axioms are not backed by any kind of proof, they are primitives. Anybody who has doubts about the feasibility of
resistance or
decentralization is not a member of this movement and his/her contribution to the system is probably poisonous, imo.
Proof of Collaborative Work is an outcome of my deep commitment to
decentralization axiom, I'll do my best to make it happen as an evolutionary improvement in bitcoin but no matter what happens next, it has already proved to have enough strength as an idea and a proposal to maintain its integrity against criticism and objections.
And it is so encouraging:
Now we have something to say about the bitter experience with pooling phenomenon in bitcoin and PoW and maintain our deep belief in the
feasibility of a decentralized PoW system.