If you count all Coca Colas, that have to be cooled down to 5 C at this moment, you will find out that it uses 10 times more energy than Bitcoin mining.
The problem with that argument is this.
The energy used to cool down those sodas is fairly constant from year to year and took multiple years to reach ,
It also won't require double or triple the amount next year to accomplish the same, in fact thru advancements in refrigeration technology it is probably a little less each year.
Also Bitcoin has achieved no where near the adoption of Coca Cola usage.
The problem is Bitcoin Continued Geometric Energy Growth Rate,
If Bitcoin Growth rate was stable or only grew by a few % per year it would be no problem as supply would be able to match demand.
Thinking a Product can continue wasting energy at a geometric rate without having a seriously damaging effect on the environment
and the other participants in energy usage, shows an amazing lack of foresight.
Bitcoin Energy waste is noting more than waste as their is no geometric increase in transaction performance only an excuse that the waste = security.
The Fact is the Waste itself is a security issue painting a target on every ASICS installation for a rogue military element with a few RPGs,
to easily destroy the entire bitcoin network in a few short hours. The remaining few ASICS would be unable to keep the bitcoin network running if said attack occurred.
Since in many countries , a permit has to be applied for to draw that much electricity,
and approval or removal of said permits can be used as a way to manipulate owners of those ASICS Warehouse
into including or excluding transactions per the Government Officials requests.
Energy Waste does not increase security, it turns Bitcoin Security into a Glass shield that a few bricks from a few politicians can easily crack.
The Vulnerabilities are apparent to any not blinded by personal desires.