Berbicara tentang Fras Koin ini dulu gan, itu kan anda reply di thread yang bahasa inggris kek gini
"HOWEVER we use FRAS COIN as "3th party payment company" to help pay UBER/GRAB in rupiah,"
Nah apakah cara penggunaannya itu ribet atau ngga yah? karena klo untuk membantu uber/grab dibayar dengan rupiah,
kan merekanya itu dapet orderan langsung dapet rupiah trus penggunaannya lebih gampang
bantu sundul di trit utama aja pak, saya balas disana ya..
Lets make ARDOR and NXT the next big thing together
this project is community governance +have a lot of benefits
Members can suggest ideas, which then get voted by the community, and if enough votes are received, the developers team at Frasindo will make it happen by appointing members as project leaders. We will then provide all business needs, regular funding, legality, and, shared-offices. It will then be acquisitioned as a subsidiary/Child-project of FRAS COIN, which makes this risk free, hassle free and doesn’t require any expertise by the original contributors. (The acquisition-ed child-projects will add giveaway 10% of its coin along with its benefits to FRAS COIN Members).
we use the income generated from the partnership of UBER GRAB and GOCAR, to do=
1. Add more cars (add more income in routine basis)
2. Pump the FRAS COIN in the market (Buyback and Lock indefinitely)
3. Most Favorited, funding a lot of StartUp in routine basis (Expand the company and more income)
Frasindo is the first Real Community Governance, supporter not only could VOTE, they also could enjoy the benefits, and observe GPS + Tracker + Camera 24hours