Especially when a page like prcdice is only since a few days you should rather report a "bug" than to abuse it.
You know what I did when I discovered the bug in PRCDice? I reported it to Dean. He was unaware of it at the time. He had suspended betting to "investigate", found that everything was OK, and resumed betting. I sent him a PM saying that I had found the flaw and that he should suspend betting as soon as possible. Then I explained the flaw to him.
I'm not sure if he said thanks or not, but I certainly didn't get any bug bounty for telling him about the flaw. I've not seen him take responsibility for the flaw either.
That doesn't really encourage me to report the next flaw I find.
I probably will, of course, because that's how I roll (get it?), but I can totally understand people trying to exploit rigged games when they find them, especially if the site is known not to reward responsible disclosure.
When nakowa lost 7,000 BTC back to the house on, the owner dooglus changed max profit from 1% down to 0.25%,
If you don't agree with his methods, go back to the gambling websites that you own or the ones that pay you.
Nakowa never lost 7000 BTC on Just-Dice. I did reduce the maximum profit per bet on Just-Dice when made it obvious that it was too high. I waited for him to stop playing before doing so.
I think it's perfectly OK to discuss how PRCDice is managed on the PRCDice thread, whether we agree with Dean's management of it or not. This whole "shut up" and "go away" sentiment is fucked up. Forum threads aren't only for saying how great a site is. OK, get it that Dean has said he is unwilling to listen anyone opposing his position. That doesn't mean people should posting their thoughts if they disagree with his.
And you can ask Doog to verify but I hounded his ass here (deleted most of my posts) and the chat room for doing that to in middle of Nakowas deposits
I don't have a copy of what you said, but to paraphrase I think you said something like "this is disgusting; I am never visiting JD ever again".
ie. you really weren't very pleased about my appalling treatment of poor nakowa.
I think you got over it though.
Doesn't matter what the amount was, 20BTC or 0.002BTC, scammers and cheats will not be cashed out funds they try to steal from investors or other players.
You keep attacking sjess, but in reality he didn't "scam" or "cheat'. He played your game according to the rules. If anyone was scamming, it was you, advertising untrue chances of winning, and refusing to pay out winning bets.
A guy knowingly abused the system. He got back his principal, Dean didn't pay out the exploit, and returned the money to investors. 1 person lost out of dishonest money vs many investors losing.
Lots of people were "abusing the system". sjess made it obvious by playing at exactly the sweet spot for hours. It was sjess' play that brought my attention to the flaw in the first place. I wonder how long people would have been able to slowly milk the site for profit had sjess not played the way he did.
I would have paid out Sjess, and that is what many people from the community including Dooglus who ran the top dice site are saying.
I don't think that's what I'm saying. I don't know what i would have done in this situation. Luckily I never found myself in this situation because I test my code before putting it live.
Also you are calling someone a kid, when you are really acting like a kid, he provided his side, with proof and you are just name calling.
Meh. Someone called me a "kid" in this thread a couple days ago. I think there's an above average level of cluelessness around here.a