I was just playing about on prcdice.eu - I deposited some dogecoin and wanted to try "investing" it. I made a bunch of notes on my experience. Maybe it's of interest:
My first problem is that I see no mention of investing anywhere on the site. I guess I'm meant to use the full casino site, not the dice site, but I couldn't find a link to it, or any hint that that's where I need to go. There's a big red 'investments' button on the account page that I missed.
My Internet connection was being slow at one point. The dice site loaded up, but the "provably fair" tab was all blank, except for the "num.rolls" field which said "Nan". My Nan is dead, so I don't know why it said that. All the other fields were empty, and editable. I was able to type whatever I liked into the server seed fields for instance. That doesn't seem right.
I finally got it to load right, set a client seed, and made 3 rolls, then verified the rolls.
Here's a little bash command I made that verified the rolls:
$ n=1; echo; while ((n<=3)); do s='tPQheWDWtemqPbFnpqmWwRmGpIRtg9JlWkQ+F5x5fkea7AAiAyr2ttuHr4h9WsfDVKvrRpWDDCzAS19qjXqZl4o='; c='hue and hue and more huehue'; echo $n $(echo -n "$n:$s:$n$n:$c:$n" | sha512sum | awk '{print $1}' | python -c "
import sys; h=sys.stdin.readline()[:-1]
while True:
n=int(h[:5], 16)
if n<1e6: print '%5.2f' % (n/10000.0,); break
); ((n++)); done
> > > > > >
1 16.00
2 43.82
3 69.60
It seemed to be working, so I set a new, different server seed and played some more. At one point I tried betting less than 1 dogecoin, and it didn't let me. I was curious whether it had counted that as a roll in the "num.rolls" counter, so I clicked 'generate new seed' hoping to be able to check whether it skipped a nonce or not. But nothing happened. I guess my Internet connection dropped out again.
I reloaded the page, went back to the 'provably fair' tab and saw the 'client seed' was reset to something random. It would be good if the client seed would stay set once I set it, even after a reload.
I tried clicking 'generate new seed' again, but it told me 'you need to be logged in'. I was already logged in. There are "account" and "logoff" buttons at the top. So I don't know why it would say that.
I reloaded again. The client seed changed again. I still see "account" and "logoff" buttons at the top, and see my dogecoin balance when I pick dogecoin from the dropdown menu. This time I could randomize and verify my seeds. It all worked OK, and no nonce was skipped when I tried to bet too low.
Edit: the 'history' report on the investment page uses the word 'deposit' when it means 'invest'. That could be confusing. "deposit" is moving coins from my wallet to my PRCdice balance, and "invest" is moving coins from the PRCdice balance to the bankroll. It's better not to confuse the two activities.
Edit2: when I go to divest, it again uses the word 'withdraw'. I wouldn't do that. Also, there's no "divest all" option. If someone was playing as I was divesting it would be hard to divest my whole investment and you'll be left with lots of "dust" investors.
Edit3: I copy/pasted the "amount available" on the divest dialog, submitted it, and it went away. It turns out my investment shrunk a little while I was doing it, so I was trying to divest more than I had. There was no error message of any kind - it just didn't work. I tried divesting much more than I had to see if there was an error message - there wasn't. I tried again to divest my exact whole amount and that time it worked. I checked the history and although I only divested once it shows two "withdrawals" and two commission payments, all at the exact same second:
Edit4: I checked the numbers. It appears that both 'withdrawals' and both commission charges actually happened. I deposited
10099999 and made 3001 by betting:
(+ 1800 -900 560 -280 -140 -70 30 1 4000 -2000 -1000 -500 -250 250 1000 -500 -250 250 250 500 -250 2000 -1000 -500 -250 1000 -500 -250)
Adding those two to the 4 divest figures:
(+ 10099999 3001 66918.84 -6691.884 835.4176 -83.54176)
gives my current balance.
So I'm confused what the 835.4176 represents.
https://prcdice.eu/account shows: Dogecoin 10,163,979.00000000
ie. is has rounded my balance up to a whole number.
But when I click 'withdraw', I see: Available balance: D 10,163,978.83184000
Why round differently in different places?
Edit5: I tried withdrawing my balance. The withdraw page showed a 'withdrawal pending' message, but I see no way to get back to the account page. Maybe having it pop up like other windows do, rather than taking me to a dead-end "ok" page.
I see only a single "emergency withdrawal address" box. There should be one per currency. I was able to put my dogecoin address in there, but it would be better to be able to set my bitcoin one too.