I still believe M'Tux took the wrong lessons there. He wasn't hacked due to strength or lack of strength of his password hashing, he was hacked by leting his database fell in the wrong hands. Starting from here, hashing algorithms doesn't "save you" of anything and enforce "strong passwords" will make your customers unhappy.
Nothing, PHP is inheritelly "Open Source", unless I obfuscate that with Zend or Roadsend, as I didn't the source is openly available.
I'd delay those two days due to Linux, I'm giving it a try at my desktop (part 1001st) and started with the wrong foot; OpenSuSE... well... I've a nForce chipset, isn't easy for starters, but OpenSuSE always manage to screw graphics - had the same issue with SuSE and Via C3 some 5 years ago. That mean format and reformat to end up with Ubuntu and today is party time with my old army mates.