Even though your way is secure (as long as you remember to call your function on all the values) I'd recommend using prepared statements with PDO, much cleaner and safer. Take a look on the
PHP manual for more info.
PDO requires PDO and PECL, that's already alone dirtiest than dirt can be.
As I'm off now for a while, here's the incomplete code of the cron (it should run like each 5 minutes by php-cgi or so), hope this already gives you a better clue of what I'm working on:
//This file must NOT be accessible from the Web!
$coin_install_path = "/web/default/public_html";
include($coin_install_path ."/sys/config.php");
include($coin_install_path ."/inc/general_functions.php");
include($coin_install_path ."/classes/jsonRPCClient.php");
//Starting CRON sequence
$b = new jsonRPCClient("http://$btc_user:$btc_pass@");
//Checking for new deposits
$accounts = $b->listaccounts((int)$config['confirmations']['value']);
foreach($accounts as $k => $a){
if($a == 0) continue; //Nothing to do
$acc = explode("_",$k);
if(!is_array($acc) || sizeof($acc) != 3) continue; //Invalid account identifier
//Get the account
$sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE uid = {$acc[1]} AND account_id = {$acc[2]}";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
if(!mysql_num_rows($q)) continue; //Account not found
$act = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$prevBal = 0;
$sql = "SELECT balance FROM movements WHERE account_id = {$act['id']} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
$pbal = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$prevBal = $pbal['balance'];
$newBal = $prevBal + $a;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO movements(`account_id`,`dtime`,`description`,`amount`,`credit`,`balance`) VALUES({$act['id']},'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','Bitcoin deposit',$a,1,$newBal)");
mysql_query("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + $a WHERE id = {$act['id']}");
//Check if account is forwarded
if($act['forward'] == 1){
$isValid = $b->validateaddress($act['forward_to']);
if($isValid['isvalid'] != 1){
$invBTC = makeSQLSafe($act['forward_to']);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages(`uid`,`dtime`,`message`) VALUES({$acc[1]},'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','ERROR Invalid address to forward your deposits to :: $invBTC. Amount remains in your account!')");
}elseif($isValid['ismine'] == 1){
//It's forward to a local address, so we just move the balance
$recAct = explode("_",$isValid['account']);
if(!is_array($recAct) || sizeof($recAct) != 3){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages(`uid`,`dtime`,`message`) VALUES({$acc[1]},'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','ERROR Invalid account to forward your deposits to - local account is not an user account :: $invBTC. Amount remains in your account!')");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE uid = {$recAct[1]} AND account_id = {$recAct[2]}";
$q = mysql_query($sql);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO messages(`uid`,`dtime`,`message`) VALUES({$acc[1]},'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','ERROR Invalid account to forward your deposits to - local account not found :: $invBTC. Amount remains in your account!')");
$receiver = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
$nextBal = $newBal - $a;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO movements(`account_id`,`dtime`,`description`,`amount`,`credit`,`balance`) VALUES({$act['id']},'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."','Forward to {$act['forward_to']}',$a,0,$nextBal)");
mysql_query("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - $a WHERE id = {$act['id']}");
//A small issue; re-forwarded accounts will not forward to prevent loop attacks.
// $nextBal = $newBal - $a;
// $b->sendfrom();