If you want trust given then lets start with the real names and addresses of the devs/owners behind it.
Let's not ruin this project and make it into another phenixcoin situation. If all the devs and owners behind this are going to run it strictly by the book, open for everyone to see then i see no reason not to have full disclosure of all owners/devs.
They are still looking for iamatrix or whatever he is called. The most they know is that he maybe called MIke. Their premine was about 2% i think, so for essentially 10% of all coins i think it is reasonable to have full details of whom exactly is behind it. They promised to give it all away in prizes in the casino etc etc ....sadly like you say trusting faceless people on the internet is not something to be encouraged.
Let's start with the 3 people mentioned in the OP who are you in real life?
Not a bad idea, but I think most of the devs myself included aren't very open about pasting everything about them online for the world
Issue with full disclosure are there are a lot of crazies out there. If someone didn't like something about the project, or wanted no competition for their own project or something... Perhaps we could do some kind of public meetup for certain geographic areas? Have like a 'meet at xyz town at zyx place, and meet a CureCoin dev'! Obviously not something for now, but down the road if the project gains traction.
Maybe we could send all our details to some trusted forum moderators and admins, and they could confirm? Any ideas I'm missing?
"Maybe we could send all our details to some trusted forum moderators and admins, and they could confirm?"
that would be good enough for me. Like the guy everyone uses for escrow or someone like him or a few of the oldest most trusted on here. It should be important for you guys who are devs to actually know who you are dealing with too.
Also not every dev helping out need do this. Only the controlling owner/devs i.e the ones that control the flow of the 10%. That person/persons needs to be fully accountable and traceable if they decide to pull a phenixcoin stunt.
The one thing i hated most about the phenixcoin crap was when it all broke down they all tried to say none of them had control of anything and it was all the other guys doing. It is still not clear which of the devs owned the project, who had any control and who took all the coins. This can be about 1000000000000x bigger than phenixcoin so let's get it right from the start.
The breakdown of the 10% seems reasonable it really needs to be set more in stone that we will figure it out as we go, but really if it is for the most part fair i think it will work out great. Devs need to be rewarded for their work and so they should be programmers etc don't work for nothing people need to realise that. Just need to have it all open and above board. Beyond reproach and critical remarks. When you are dealing with stuff like helping curing cancer there can be no scams or bad dealings that are not open or the entire thing is tainted and ruined.
If this turns out as big as it should be i think hiding any of the initial owner/dev real id is impossible. There is bound to be lots of media attention.