I stopped reading all the clueless replies from trolls and just wanted to tell you I just came across this thread and it's exactly what I was hoping to see in a coin for some time.
The trolls are correct, you won't make ton of money off this one, and that makes them think it's worthless. But what you could make, if the coin can generate enough interest to hang on, is a decent long term investment.... maybe ... and more importantly, a real currency that can serve the population at large.
In my opinion, this is the holy grail of crypto currency. I instantly know I'm going to support you.
Just one question, the decentralized exchange is an awesome idea that we often talk about on our Darkcoin forum. I'm wondering if you plan on limiting this feature to the Munich project, btc and ltc, or if you'd be interested in including other coins? I realize that could become confusing, but it would be cool if we didn't need exchanges anymore or if we could at least have a choice.
BTW, I totally agree with dewdeded about analyzing what went wrong with other coins, as I think you have been. Aroura coin is a great example, as you can see, the "air drop" was off to a great start, but the hashing network was far to small to be secure (hence the many forks) and they didn't expect everyone to dump their coins at the exchanges right away (an obvious flaw in hindsight). So at this juncture, with so many failures, you have the advantage of hindsight. Hopefully you will gather a good following of thoughtful people here who will help you analyze and process what's gone right and what's gone wrong.