New idea share with you:In order to make the xcoin more meaningful, Could We Name it " BTCXETH"?
1st Airdrop to the Bitcoin and ETH holders,And then to Bitcointalk members,,,and others?(Bounty) Notice:
1.A pack of well designed signatures for the Signature Campaign.Bounty: 10,000 XCoin.2.Community and Campaign Manager:[/color]
500K (+-)XCoin3.Wallet is under developing.Just give me some times.
As we all known,In cryptocurrency world,the ICO scamer and nonsence altcoins emerge in large numbers these years,it cost more and more cryptocurrency investors and followers lose their money and left the community continually.
The thought of building a real and full decentrolized cryptocurrency coin(To learn and go beyond the bitcoin) has been brewing for a long time in my mind.
After a serious thought ,I decided to start this project with this newbie account ,although I have been involved into this crypto world since 2013,in order to make sure the project not centrolized at the begining. I will be one of the ordinary members of the community,and contribute code,early organizations,spread it to the world together.
This could be the most decentralized project in the Altcoin world!
It will all depends on your attitude!
Specifics of the coin will decided by the community,As more as possible!
Social Media
Telegram Group: Created by Community Member @halorose Bounty reward:10K XCoin
X-coin Fb link: by Community Member @kalc Bounty reward:10K XCoin
SEEKING Creators(Bounties:10K-100K Coin per social media/group)
Twitter by @
Slack by @
Source & Wallet & Block Explorer(Will be released after the coin specifics decided by the community)
ScreenShot of the XCoin Windows Wallet (It's compiled succesfully)
Specifics (Tentative)Coin name: XCoin
Supply:21,000,000 XCoins
Algo:X11 POW+POS
PREMine:10,500,000 XCoins for Free distribution ,Bounties, Developing Fund
POW:10,500,000 XCoins in 5 years
POS interest:??%
(Free)Distribution (90%) and Bounties for Developers and Marketing(10%) (Together:100% PRE-Mined XCoin=50% of the Total Supply of XCoin)
LOGO:10k XCoins; @halorose
Design a pack of signatures for campaign:10K XCoin;
Source and basic wallet compiling:200 k XCoins;
Server offer(For nodes of the wallet):10K XCoin every 6 months(20 servers at most,Rewards will be paid after 6 months)Just PM me the IP of the Server.
Block Explorer:100K XCoins per year
Android\IOS wallet :500k XCoins
Translation:10K XCoins per Language(No google trans and update once per week at least)
Chinese reservered for @coolmyrig ;
Filipino reservered for @fhakenzz ;
Japanese reservered for @arata_jp;
Russian reservered for @btc00;
German reservered for @Kryptowolf512
French reservered for @Cryptose
Hindi reservered for @vcxv
Vietnamese reservered for @hau8234
Indonesian By @x-road
Pool for XCoin :50k XCoins
Faucet :50k XCoin
Faucet/Dice Game :50k XCoins
Website:50K-100K Xcoins
Local PR Manager:10-50k XCoins per month
English,Russia, Indonissia,Chinese,Japanese,,,,,,,,,
Help XCoin listed on exchange will be rewarded:50k -- 500k XCoins.
Others bounties coming soon...
All the bounties will be discussed and updated in the thread.
First Round Airdrop and CampaignAllocated:2 M XCoin
Airdrop for BTC and ETH holdersBitcoin holders:500k XCoin
(coming soon)
Eth holders:200k XCoin
(coming soon )
Socail Media CampaignSignature campaign :
Twitter campaign :
FaceBook campaign :
Telegram campaign :
Slack campaign :
StatementIn my opinion,The campaign will be managered by a professional community manager, instead of me. And the manager should be rewarded with a high level rewards.(500K XCoin or more?)
Manager will have to do a lot of hard works for the community(include of creating the socail network),of course there will be a reward for sure.
For all important issues are not decided (It should not be decided by me),Welcome to join the community and discuss all the issues in this thread and select the most venerable community members with the highest reputation.
Please do not hesitate to share your opinion!