It is attached to the bolivar. From the whitepaper: purchasing power of the petro is directly associated with the price of the bolivar. Also, it sounds like the petro/bolivar rate can be pretty easily manipulated since the rate is being calculated only by exchanges authorized by the government. What happens when other exchanges outside of the government's control start selling the PTR? I imagine some pretty huge arbitrage opportunities will open up.
¿are you a venezuelan living in venezuela?
¿do you have bolivars or a bank account that works with bolivars?
¿do you pay taxes in venezuela?
i think you are misinformed.
The point is there's a credibility issue with Maduro.
like i said: "whatever is going to happen with the petro, it will happen due other factors"
credibility could be one of those factors, but the petro is not attached to the bolivar, petro is attached to oil price.
that national assembly can't do shit right now.
they became unconstitutional because they were doing unconstitutional things.
you're misinformed.
There's a pretty big difference between gold and a state-controlled cryptocurrency, BTW.
¿controlled? ¿where? explain to us, enlighten us with your wisdom.
Okay so... When do you guys reckon this exchange will actually open? Right now its kind of a joke -- all links redirect to the main page, with the exception of the Twitter and Facebook page links. You can't register, there's no information on the markets offered, no apps actually offered even though it says that there are.
i didn't say that the exchange is open and ready selling petros like crazy.
again, you're misinformed.
From:"On digital mining, there is also little known about its progress. The mining farms were installed but the progress or activities that are being developed are unknown."
The whitepaper doesn't actually say if the final petro is going to have its own blockchain or not, though it does make quite a big deal about how cool NEM is. If the final product is to be released on NEM, what do they even need mining equipment for? The whitepaper sure lacks a lot of specifics for a coin that raised (at least) $5 billion.
more misinformation.
¿can you quote where Maduro mentioned that link?
I dont use the words scam or similar but failure is quite normal in possibilities, I dont know thats whats happened.
Pretty convenient how they can raise so much money and then just say "oh it was a failure." With each passing day its looking more like a blatant ICO scam.
This is also insane: the VP is saying cryptocurrencies are actively being manipulated to attack the petro, a coin with no established value as of yet? That's extremely paranoid thinking.
Ouch, your absolutely right. NEM has 6 decimal places, same thing as the Petro wallet (really just the NEM wallet renamed and re-jiggered to show PTR balances instead of NEM balances... I hope they realize that even if PTR is actually released, its holders will still need NEM in order to move it anywhere. They didn't mention this in the whitepaper. If the main PTR blockchain isn't going to be NEM, why make an android wallet for it?
What were the murmerings of people receiving the ICO token? Were those legitimate investors or just Maduro sockpuppets?
I've been analyzing ICOs for about 4 years now and this one has all the markings of a scam. A scam conducted at the highest level of office is still a scam. It seems like most of the people who invested in this have far more money than they can afford to lose, so I'm not really weeping over anybody's losses. All the national governments who got caught up in this -- its not their money they're losing so what do they care? Maybe a few financial techs will be out of the job, but that's about it.
I'm certainly keen to see how this thing plays out.
the rest is just bla bla bla...