
Topic: [PRE-SALE][ICO] Petro $PTR - Oil backed crypto currency launched by Venezuela - page 20. (Read 28472 times)

jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
A confession of parts relieving evidence: Maduro acknowledged that there was never economic war
By: Leisser Rafael Rebolledo | Sunday, 06/24/2018 10:37 AM

"A lie properly repeated a thousand times becomes a truth." "He lies, he lies, he lies, that something will remain, the bigger a lie, the more people will believe it."

The phrase is authored by Joseph Goebbels, the sinister propaganda minister of Nazi Germany, and one of Adolf Hitler's closest collaborators in his insane crusade to end our planet. During the years of terror of the Second World War, the Nazis tried to hide from the world the horrors they committed in the concentration camps, and in the regions and countries they came to dominate: the selective extermination of millions of human beings, the macabre experiments with children or adults suffering from degenerative diseases, the brutal repression against the inhabitants of the conquered territories, and against their own compatriots. Hitler's concealment machinery achieved its goal for a time, however, in the end, the dark truth ended up coming to light, and the whole planet could know horrified what tyrants are capable of to stay in power.

In our beloved Venezuela the philosophy of Goebbels has found fertile ground, who have governed the destinies of the country since the origins of the Republic have opted for the art of lying with the same fervor that the believer clings to the holy bible; there is hardly a country in the world that has been deceived so many times, to the point that, what should be something reprehensible and extraordinary just becoming something everyday, accepted as a part of our idiosyncrasy, as a perverse appendage of the national soul.

The Venezuelan psyche has been bombarded over decades by rulers unwilling to acknowledge their inefficiency, slip the bundle or flagrantly lie are completely valid alternatives in this paradise for corrupt politicians; the only important thing for them has been to enjoy the honeys of power, to profit from the public patrimony, to cling to farms and privileges at the expense of the people who suffer. Each one, in his holy place, to the people what belongs to the people, that is, nothing.

Nicolás Maduro occupies the highest rung in the unworthy gallery of liars, is a master in the trade. From the mouth of the worker president the lies flow with the same ease that in his brain ideas are absent. A mansalva goes shooting one after another against a people increasingly helpless, beaten and humiliated by its megalomania, which has taken the whole country to the doors of ultimate destruction.

Nico is the builder of his own fables, an upstart whose mission is to "defend the homeland" of his enemies, the inhabitant of a parallel universe for whom hunger, lack of medicines, the collapse of public transport, the ruin of PDVSA, the loss of purchasing power, the exodus of millions, the political prisoners and the growing collapse of our educational system have never existed. Everything is a fantasy, we Venezuelans have a lot of imagination.

Since he assumed the presidency he has repeated thousands of times that the tragedy that our country is going through is the fault of the economic war orchestrated from the bowels of the empire. Following the guidelines of Goebbels, he has endeavored to make us believe that his government has no responsibility in the disaster in which they have converted Venezuela. With systematic self-confidence, he sells us his lies; The culprits of the destruction of the bolivar are the Boy Scouts of Dolartoday, he has said ad nauseam. A website has erased half of our GDP from the map, and has driven millions of Venezuelans to minimize their ability to feed themselves, and has pushed thousands more to have to dig through garbage dumps in order to survive.

But those who spit upwards always end up bathing in their own spit, and now, faced with the desperate situation of their petty cash, they have ended up recognizing the validity of the parallel dollar. The money from remittances is a mouthful too appetizing to let it escape, so they have swallowed their high-sounding threats. Until a few days ago, some government spokesmen claimed that the exchange houses authorized by them would pay the foreign currency coming from Venezuelans abroad at the DICOM price, for later, and after a more objective analysis, announce that the dollars of the Remittances would be exchanged for 2,200,000 bolívares, an amount very close to the so-called parallel dollar. With this, his lie a thousand times repeated about the economic war is totally exposed, the desire to obtain fresh currency has forced them to this act of "irreversible sincerity;" Of course, this does not respond to the fact that Maduro, and his government, are pregnant with good intentions, and they want Venezuelan families to receive the vital help of those who have gone to other lands fleeing the dictatorship in order to live with dignity, rather, it is that, the government knew that no Venezuelan was going to give them their money, nobody was willing to give their effort for less than 5% of what is really worth. Of the 3,000,000 million bolivars per dollar of the parallel market, at least 100,000 of the official there is a difference too great, as great as the distance that separates our diaspora from home today.

The lie of the economic war has died definitively, an unquestionable truth has been exposed, the only war that has existed is that which the government has against the economy of the country, against the pocket and stomach of every Venezuelan.

Like Goebbels, Maduro also ran out of time for his lies, and no one believes him, the country is clear, and today more than ever he remains standing in the fight to get out of this nightmare. The end of Maduro will not be rosy. Whoever winds winds harvests storms.


And now, at what rate can a venezuelan buy petros? At the DICOM rate, at a remittance rate, at a bitcoin rate, at a parallel dollar rate?
the foreigners who bought with euros, bitcoin, ethereum, ...., will have to spend it at the DICOM rate ??
jr. member
Activity: 193
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Name:   taseenb
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Defender of the Bolivarian regime. To the evidence I refer:

jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
Conclusion; NEM shows the reality, that is the ridiculous quantity sold. The one that wants to understand it that understands it.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
So the VP is saying cryptocurrencies are actively being manipulated to attack the petro, a coin with no established value as of yet? That's extremely paranoid thinking.

Imagine how paranoid someone must be that the president of the United States signed an executive order to ban the Petro from the US and prosecute anybody who buys Petros in the US. First time in history obviously. Immediately after the ICO was announced. Just a detail. Too complicated for the average idiot to understand or even wonder why.

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. Instead of answering the question, you deflect it. This ICO was a 100% scam from the getgo.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
The Petro ICO tokens have been distributed and all the people who bought them have received them in the Petro wallet. I can confirm it and everybody who bought Petros can confirm it. Now, people who received the ICO tokens are waiting for news about the next steps in the process: ie when the real Petro coins will be distributed (and therefore accepted as currency in Venezuela) and when the Petro will start circulating in some exchange.

Right, have fun waiting!

The whole thing reeks with fraud. Instead of answering some pretty simple questions you are your alter ego just attacked my credibility. That's a sign of a fraud. You could have dissected my points one by one but nope, you just attacked me personally. In the crypto world, its guilty until proven innocent. And you are guilty as hell right now, good sir.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
So the VP is saying cryptocurrencies are actively being manipulated to attack the petro, a coin with no established value as of yet? That's extremely paranoid thinking.

Imagine how paranoid someone must be that the president of the United States signed an executive order to ban the Petro from the US and prosecute anybody who buys Petros in the US. First time in history obviously. Immediately after the ICO was announced. Just a detail. Too complicated for the average idiot to understand or even wonder why.
Activity: 182
Merit: 0
the rest is just bla bla bla...

Hi there Mr. Shill Shillington. You're not doing a very good job of being a shill. Perhaps Maduro should re-evaluate your position as your job performance is lackluster.

You did not answer a single one of my questions. You just tried to attack my credibility. Repeating "you're misinformed" over and over again doesn't put a single concern to rest.

Biggest. ICO. Fraud. EVER!

Your "credibility" is already shit if this is your approach to a complex subject like the Petro. Try to avoid talking about things you clearly know nothing about or you'll just be the 48th idiotic spammer in this discussion.

The Petro ICO tokens have been distributed and all the people who bought them have received them in the Petro wallet. I can confirm it and everybody who bought Petros can confirm it. Now, people who received the ICO tokens are waiting for news about the next steps in the process: ie when the real Petro coins will be distributed (and therefore accepted as currency in Venezuela) and when the Petro will start circulating in some exchange. This will take time and will be complicated, mostly because of US sanctions and the massive sabotage against Venezuela. But Venezuela has gone through worse, so everything is possible. Patience.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
the rest is just bla bla bla...

Hi there Mr. Shill Shillington. You're not doing a very good job of being a shill. Perhaps Maduro should re-evaluate your position as your job performance is lackluster.

You did not answer a single one of my questions. You just tried to attack my credibility. Repeating "you're misinformed" over and over again doesn't put a single concern to rest.

Biggest. ICO. Fraud. EVER!
jr. member
Activity: 181
Merit: 1
It is attached to the bolivar. From the whitepaper:
The purchasing power of the petro is directly associated with the price of the bolivar. Also, it sounds like the petro/bolivar rate can be pretty easily manipulated since the rate is being calculated only by exchanges authorized by the government. What happens when other exchanges outside of the government's control start selling the PTR? I imagine some pretty huge arbitrage opportunities will open up.
¿are you a venezuelan living in venezuela?
¿do you have bolivars or a bank account that works with bolivars?
¿do you pay taxes in venezuela?
i think you are misinformed.

The point is there's a credibility issue with Maduro.
like i said: "whatever is going to happen with the petro, it will happen due other factors"
credibility could be one of those factors, but the petro is not attached to the bolivar, petro is attached to oil price.

On top of that, Venezuela's National Assembly declared the Petro unconstitutional:
that national assembly can't do shit right now.
they became unconstitutional because they were doing unconstitutional things.
you're misinformed.

There's a pretty big difference between gold and a state-controlled cryptocurrency, BTW.
¿controlled? ¿where? explain to us, enlighten us with your wisdom.

Okay so... When do you guys reckon this exchange will actually open? Right now its kind of a joke -- all links redirect to the main page, with the exception of the Twitter and Facebook page links. You can't register, there's no information on the markets offered, no apps actually offered even though it says that there are.
i didn't say that the exchange is open and ready selling petros like crazy.
again, you're misinformed.

"On digital mining, there is also little known about its progress. The mining farms were installed but the progress or activities that are being developed are unknown."
The whitepaper doesn't actually say if the final petro is going to have its own blockchain or not, though it does make quite a big deal about how cool NEM is. If the final product is to be released on NEM, what do they even need mining equipment for? The whitepaper sure lacks a lot of specifics for a coin that raised (at least) $5 billion.
more misinformation.
As far as this mosaic owner address is concerned, looked like petros were moved to 204 addresses. Maduro's claim of 87,200 buyers is about 87,000 too short.
¿can you quote where Maduro mentioned that link?

I dont use the words scam or similar but failure is quite normal in possibilities, I dont know thats whats happened.
Pretty convenient how they can raise so much money and then just say "oh it was a failure." With each passing day its looking more like a blatant ICO scam.
This is also insane:
So the VP is saying cryptocurrencies are actively being manipulated to attack the petro, a coin with no established value as of yet? That's extremely paranoid thinking.
Ouch, your absolutely right. NEM has 6 decimal places, same thing as the Petro wallet (really just the NEM wallet renamed and re-jiggered to show PTR balances instead of NEM balances... I hope they realize that even if PTR is actually released, its holders will still need NEM in order to move it anywhere. They didn't mention this in the whitepaper. If the main PTR blockchain isn't going to be NEM, why make an android wallet for it?
What were the murmerings of people receiving the ICO token? Were those legitimate investors or just Maduro sockpuppets?
I've been analyzing ICOs for about 4 years now and this one has all the markings of a scam. A scam conducted at the highest level of office is still a scam. It seems like most of the people who invested in this have far more money than they can afford to lose, so I'm not really weeping over anybody's losses. All the national governments who got caught up in this -- its not their money they're losing so what do they care? Maybe a few financial techs will be out of the job, but that's about it.
I'm certainly keen to see how this thing plays out.
the rest is just bla bla bla...
jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
It means that I followed the protocol and I believe I am part of the 180000+ people that President Maduro claimed bidded for the Petro!!!
No payment yet but I believe its coming sooner than later...Cheers

Can you let us know when you receive your tokens? According to the website, they are currently being distributed.

He did receive them:


But I think he should travel to Venezuela to spend them somehow if he succeeds. Grin Grin

the petro is not a cryptocurrency

I thought this was a non-transferable ICO token, and that the real token was yet to be distributed.

you are right. But he is happy. It is not good for anything yet and in the future less, but he is happy having been deceived.
jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
It means that I followed the protocol and I believe I am part of the 180000+ people that President Maduro claimed bidded for the Petro!!!
No payment yet but I believe its coming sooner than later...Cheers

Can you let us know when you receive your tokens? According to the website, they are currently being distributed.

He did receive them:


But I think he should travel to Venezuela to spend them somehow if he succeeds. Grin Grin

the petro is not a cryptocurrency

I thought this was a non-transferable ICO token, and that the real token was yet to be distributed.
jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
It means that I followed the protocol and I believe I am part of the 180000+ people that President Maduro claimed bidded for the Petro!!!
No payment yet but I believe its coming sooner than later...Cheers

Can you let us know when you receive your tokens? According to the website, they are currently being distributed.

He did receive them:


But I think he should travel to Venezuela to spend them somehow if he succeeds. Grin Grin

the petro is not a cryptocurrency
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
It means that I followed the protocol and I believe I am part of the 180000+ people that President Maduro claimed bidded for the Petro!!!
No payment yet but I believe its coming sooner than later...Cheers

Can you let us know when you receive your tokens? According to the website, they are currently being distributed.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
venezuelan exchange certified by the venezuelan government
Amberes Coin‏ @AmberesCoin
2 may.
in the next weeks we will initiate operations with cryptos Petro, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple...
visit us at

Okay so... When do you guys reckon this exchange will actually open? Right now its kind of a joke -- all links redirect to the main page, with the exception of the Twitter and Facebook page links. You can't register, there's no information on the markets offered, no apps actually offered even though it says that there are.


"On digital mining, there is also little known about its progress. The mining farms were installed but the progress or activities that are being developed are unknown."

The whitepaper doesn't actually say if the final petro is going to have its own blockchain or not, though it does make quite a big deal about how cool NEM is. If the final product is to be released on NEM, what do they even need mining equipment for? The whitepaper sure lacks a lot of specifics for a coin that raised (at least) $5 billion.

As far as this mosaic owner address is concerned, looked like petros were moved to 204 addresses. Maduro's claim of 87,200 buyers is about 87,000 too short.

I dont use the words scam or similar but failure is quite normal in possibilities, I dont know thats whats happened.

Pretty convenient how they can raise so much money and then just say "oh it was a failure." With each passing day its looking more like a blatant ICO scam.

This is also insane:

So the VP is saying cryptocurrencies are actively being manipulated to attack the petro, a coin with no established value as of yet? That's extremely paranoid thinking.

He commented that the buyer can make a minimum bid of 100 bolivars for a fraction of Petros, called Mene, which has a divisibility of up to 8 decimals.
as these Bolivarians lie, he says three times that the mene are eight decimals

Ouch, your absolutely right. NEM has 6 decimal places, same thing as the Petro wallet (really just the NEM wallet renamed and re-jiggered to show PTR balances instead of NEM balances... I hope they realize that even if PTR is actually released, its holders will still need NEM in order to move it anywhere. They didn't mention this in the whitepaper. If the main PTR blockchain isn't going to be NEM, why make an android wallet for it?

What were the murmerings of people receiving the ICO token? Were those legitimate investors or just Maduro sockpuppets?

I've been analyzing ICOs for about 4 years now and this one has all the markings of a scam. A scam conducted at the highest level of office is still a scam. It seems like most of the people who invested in this have far more money than they can afford to lose, so I'm not really weeping over anybody's losses. All the national governments who got caught up in this -- its not their money they're losing so what do they care? Maybe a few financial techs will be out of the job, but that's about it.

I'm certainly keen to see how this thing plays out.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
petro is not attached to the venezuelan currency (bolivar).

It is attached to the bolivar. From the whitepaper:

The purchasing power of the petro is directly associated with the price of the bolivar. Also, it sounds like the petro/bolivar rate can be pretty easily manipulated since the rate is being calculated only by exchanges authorized by the government. What happens when other exchanges outside of the government's control start selling the PTR? I imagine some pretty huge arbitrage opportunities will open up.

it's like saying that you're not going to buy venezuelan gold because the bolivar has dropped significantly.
whatever is going to happen with the petro, it will happen due other factors.

The point is there's a credibility issue with Maduro.

On top of that, Venezuela's National Assembly declared the Petro unconstitutional:

There's a pretty big difference between gold and a state-controlled cryptocurrency, BTW.
jr. member
Activity: 181
Merit: 1
I have a couple quick questions.
1. How many people in this thread have actually completed the registration process? Did it really cost $60 in NEM per token? What was the NEM address you sent your tokens to?
2. I notice on the website it says "In the next few days the transfer of tokens begins." I'm guessing the ICO period is over, meaning they must have raised several billion dollars in the process. When you receive your tokens, can you please post about it here?
3. How do you manage to have confidence in this project knowing that the bolivar has dropped significantly since Maduro took office?
These are all genuine questions of mine, not trying to insult anybody. Thanks.
i didn't buy petros.
i'm waiting its release to buy some.
when it is available in some exchanges.
so... i can't answer many of your questions.

petro is not attached to the venezuelan currency (bolivar).
it's like saying that you're not going to buy venezuelan gold because the bolivar has dropped significantly.
whatever is going to happen with the petro, it will happen due other factors.
Activity: 3010
Merit: 8114
I have a couple quick questions.

1. How many people in this thread have actually completed the registration process? Did it really cost $60 in NEM per token? What was the NEM address you sent your tokens to?

2. I notice on the website it says "In the next few days the transfer of tokens begins." I'm guessing the ICO period is over, meaning they must have raised several billion dollars in the process. When you receive your tokens, can you please post about it here?

3. How do you manage to have confidence in this project knowing that the bolivar has dropped significantly since Maduro took office?

These are all genuine questions of mine, not trying to insult anybody. Thanks.
jr. member
Activity: 193
Merit: 1
new boss behind the Superintendence of Cryptoactives of Venezuela.

anything about why this move
and anything about when the petrocoin will be finally released.
damn it.

Quiet, here they explain everything:   Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
jr. member
Activity: 181
Merit: 1
new boss behind the Superintendence of Cryptoactives of Venezuela.

anything about why this move
and anything about when the petrocoin will be finally released.
damn it.
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