This of course is wrong. What people are buying are “Certificates of Saving in Petros” and not petros. They receive a piece of paper which says that they acquired a certain amount of petros, nothing more. They don’t receive petros on the blockchain.
This does pretty much defy the whole point of crypto. I know there are other instances similar but this is pretty extreme as example of solely relying goodwill of your note issuer to come through with any value or asset in exchange for supposed worth
I'm interested to know if any kind of democracy or capitalism can be restored to Venezuela to avoid needless starvation of many to serve the purposes of the few. Just a few people sitting at the top isnt a working system, I guess its no surprise that the route taken with crypto has been unilateral. The blockchain might as well be an Excel spreadsheet or a normally available database from a number of makers for all the advance it represents. I made a database in DOS many years ago, it was a basic accomplishment for me but it stored all the records accurately and in theory I could distribute, replicate and issue data notes as and when required. However it had no unique value or utility to it that other programs couldn't offer, I couldnt expect anyone else to use it especially but it was a working exercise or example.
So where is the USP of PTR, every idea needs something but all I see is a vehicle for a forced scenario for usage. Again thats not what crypto is about, I'd be happy to hear of any innovation occurring