... it's been hard to get anyone except my best friend to have an honest discussion about this.
And it's going to be utterly impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Heck, I'm surprised that even the word "coincidence" was not flamed. Anything that deviates in any way from Scientific beliefs will be related to philosophy/supernatural/metaphysics and will be summarily dismissed.
Keep it to yourself. The sharing of such thoughts, ideas or beliefs serves no purpose other than to inflame the Philistines ("a person who is lacking in or hostile or smugly indifferent to cultural values, intellectual pursuits, aesthetic refinement, etc., or is contentedly commonplace in ideas and tastes.)
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/PhilistinesMaterialistic Rationalization is all they know and all they want to know and hear from others.
You want to have an honest discussion here? Here??? Ha!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
I'd love for esp and/or precognition to be true!Apparently you believe it is...show me some evidence! Convince a person who WANTS to be convinced!
No matter what stories I tell they will be considered anecdotal, so why bother?
But just to please you, although it will obviously be subjected to much derision:
Back in 1963 my mom worked as a seamstress in a factory in the Bronx and while she was busy at work all of a sudden a "feeling" took over her whole being. She jumps up and screams - "My son!" She runs out of the building, she runs to the subway station and boards a train across town, she runs out of the subway station, she runs home, she flings open the door to our apartment on the 18th floor, she runs into my little brother's room just as she sees him falling out the window. She lunges and catches him by his foot 3 feet outside the window and pulls him back inside.
Non of your sorry ass forth coming comments from the O.T. Peanut Gallery will affect me - I know it to be the truth, as does my little brother, whom my mom lovingly reminds him often. The evil minded OTers will accuse my mother of being negligent - "What mom would work and leave her children home alone? She's obviously a bad mother!" The usual tactic of deflecting an argument will be employed...
Would it have made a difference had there been a baby sitter? In many minds it will seem obvious - and yet every week a child drowns in the Phoenix area, many "supervised" by baby sitters, parents and grand parents. Anyone who has a young child knows that as a parent he/she cannot take their attention and concentration off a child for a single moment. And yet the phone rings and babies drown in 2" of water... Remember that the next time your child is in the car and the cell phone rings or you're too busy texting back that last message you received.
I have my own tales I could tell - some of them have been told already, here - but what would be the use? The Old O.T. is dead, one where one could engage in serious dialogue. Now O.T. is just a playground for assholes. Your young ones still run amok, undisciplined, encouraged by the other Internet Bullies on the board. If it concerns religion the older atheists take the younger atheists under their wings. Bah. Pimpled ass teens who think being an asshole means he's cool and erudite. (Yeah, they're going to have to look that word up, I bet.)