Splash the cash and you generally get something out of it. Those who say Chelsea didn't get their money's worth should remember who won it before, and those who think Pep is brilliant should remember the pains of seasons past. It's a continuous and fluid struggle at the top 6. I suppose I'm happier that it's no longer the Big 4. Just makes it so exciting for the rest.
I'm Liver, but I don't want to get any applause for what they're doing. We've been outside top 4 and Champions League for too long (I'm still trying to get over our almost-there with Suarez) and I know it's bordering arrogance but Top 4 should be seen as the extreme minimum. I will always applaud entertainment though, so am happy Liverpool haven't lost their way there.
Spurs to me is the one who deserves the most plaudits - especially when competing with the big money.
Tottenham is going to spend alot of money soon. They keep on getting good position every season and now on track with their performance, it is a waste of resources if they spend alot but if they want to achieve more then I say that it is plausible. I want to see them try to be the winner even leicester managed to do it few season ago
The problem of Tottenham is always the same, they play great against strong teams, in fact they beat Chelsea this last week 1-3 at Stamford Bridge but usually they lack points with very weak teams like Bournemouth( I still haven't forget that 1.20 odd 0-0 draw which I lost a lot of money). I can say they are like Inter of Italy kinda which means their chances of winning a premier league soon are near 0.