1. (transitive, intransitive) To combine into a single unit; to group together or join.
2. To make stronger or more solid.
There are two definitions listed here. You are looking at the wrong one. I am using the word "consolidate" for it's first meaning: "To combine into a single unit; to group together or join."
Bitcoins are not designed for being mined from a small group of investors having the money and the power producing and generating the mayor part of bitcoins.
Actually, that is exactly how bitcoin was designed. Satoshi said so himself.
Quote from: yumei on Today at 03:39:07 PM
Quote from: yumei on Today at 02:37:33 PM
99% of the bitcoin community would benefit when asic mining is prohibited.
I'm not sure how you think you are going to "prohibit" the creation and use of Application Specific Integrated Circuits, but I suspect that any method you think should be used either wouldn't work or would simply result in a less secure network.
You could enable only script mining like litecoins, I am not affine with the developing structure behing that, but there are altcoins where you can´t asic mine.
You are mistaken. There are scrypt mining ASICs for litecoins. The main reason that other altcoins don't yet have ASIC is that there isn't enough value in those scamcoins and crapcoins to make it worth the effort for someone to design an ASIC chip for them.
Well like I said i am not technic affine,
but honestly I think I understand more about economics then you.
It's possible, but given your ability to understand anything you've commented on so far, I doubt it.
If this is true then POW in this initial form is the problem.
POW is currently the best known solution to the byzantine generals problem. If you have a better solution, let me know.
Quote from: yumei on Today at 03:39:07 PM
Big asic farm holder selling their bitcoins to be able to pay the electrician and to cut out competition due low efficiency of mining.
Yes, that is how capitalism and incentive works. So long as there is a profit to be earned, there is an incentive to increase the amount of mining. Mining will consolidate with those that have access to the cheapest resources since they can maintain a profit while all others are pushed out of the market.
This is not capitalism, this is
monopolism. You have some companys create new asic hardware, this companys mine thereself or sell their main parts to just 4-5 big companys.
Again I think you need a dictionary. I don't think you know what the word monopoly means.
mo·nop·o·lize (m-np-lz)
tr.v. mo·nop·o·lized, mo·nop·o·liz·ing, mo·nop·o·liz·es
1. To acquire or maintain a monopoly of.
2. To dominate by excluding others: monopolized the conversation.
Sorry. I thought you used the word "
monopolism" (which is a noun meaning the existence or prevalence of monopolies), not "monopolize" (which is a verb that can either describe the act of maintaining a monopoly
OR can describe the act of excluding others).
A monolopy is the
exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade.
Regardless, in general use (at least in the English language here in the U.S.), a monopoly is when a SINGLE entity is in control of an overwhelming majority of something. If you have two or more entities, that is not a monopoly. That is healthy competition between multiple entities, and is how capitalism generally operates. Even within capitalism, monopolies can occur. Without regulation, as long as the monopoly supplies a desired product or service at an acceptable price, the monopoly can continue to exist indefinitely. If the monopoly attempts to use their control of the market to provide reduced value at an increased price, then they open themselves up to competition from others. If you don't like the idea of free market forces controlling the system and you prefer some sort of regulation to prevent consolidation of mining, then you aren't going to like Bitcoin very much.
Why you are insulting me, you seems like having no clue about economics but acting like you know.
I'm doing the best to answer your questions, correct your mistakes, and point out that your trolling FUD is rather ridiculous. The crap you are spewing here has been stated and debunked hundreds of times on this forum.