Last time I participated in these discussions was I think several years ago. Right around the time that Hearn and Andressen were spouting dire warnings about how Bitcoin only had a month or two to live unless the blocksize was raised ASAP. Now, years later, Bitcoin is going strong, setting new highs, and an actual well designed and well thought out solutions are available when needed.
Back then the fear-mongering actually convinced a surprising number of users. Now not so much...just a few residual dead-enders like the OP. In fact almost nobody seems to be buying the bullshit. The consequence of the crying wolf by 'trusted figures' no doubt, but also more people who are on this board seem to have a better grasp of the technology, the threats, and the trade-offs. That's pretty encouraging to me.
I think the fact that many users are reporting their transactions cannot be confirmed in a reasonable amount of time (I'm currently waiting over 12 hours)
and there's 43,000 unconfirmed transactions is exactly what Gavin was talking about.
Yes, more people have a better grasp of the technology, threats, and trade offs... More people are waking up to the fact that
we can simply increasing the blocksize and avoid this mess.