Also I seen one of your posts stating you are going to possibly changing the pay structure again and increasing payments and also moving to weekly payments. Do you have any more information regarding weekly payments as this would be perfect for me. even to allow it maybe for Hero members only and then introduce it to other member groups. Bit like a beta testing to see how things work with it. Just an idea for you
If you made 49 posts June 16th you may make more money not posting the 50th post and rolling your messages to the next month if the rates are higher for the latter
The current rates are pretty juicy considering the price is now up to 600$ with a positive trend; if we get new increase rate and a price in the 800-1000$ in June we will have a GREAT summer thanks to Stunna and PrimeDice
I'm afraid that with the exchange rates surging, we could actually get lower rates for posting. Remember the last December?
Personally, I would not be surprised!
But Stunna's gains are also in BTC, since PrimeDice uses BTC, and not fiat...
So the % of profit spent on advertising should be the same.
But would u just as easily bet 10 btc when 1btc is 100$ and when they are 1000$ ?
When btc gets higher rate, PD profits in btc probably get lower but in $ probably the same , so he needs to adjust how much he pays.
But since he doesn't rly know how much this sig campaign brings to pd , i think he don't rly adjust rate according to how much btc is worth.