They do look at all the comments and all the issues , its just matter of priority but it all goes on to do list.
They rly take all comments seriously .
Its just that Stunna doesn't reply to every single comment. And dev is not active on this forum.
He replied to tell me I was wrong, but I wasn't. When I pointed that out, he stopped replying.
That's OK - he's busy, I get it, and maybe he doesn't want to have to deal with the fact that around 37 thousand winning bets weren't paid out. Potentially that's a lot of coins he owes people. I understand wanting to brush that under the carpet.
U know when u tested pd3 every single issue u pointed out was considered ,most of it fixed , and u got reply from the dev about every single one of them .
I remember two:
* it's hard to tip because the chat scrolls too fast - consider not having the pop-up menu scroll with the chat
* the provably fair algorithm as described isn't fair. it rolls high more than it rolls low
At launch, the first hadn't been addressed at all, and at least according to the documentation neither had the second. I'm told the 2nd was fixed but if so, the documentation was incorrect at launch.
Maybe there were other things I pointed out in beta, I don't remember the details.
edit: just remembered , maybe u are a bit edgy coz btc price is drooping ... U said once on pd chat u are losing alot of $$$ on each small drop . And this one was huge :S .
I've seen bigger rises and bigger dips than this. They don't really bother me any more - it's just Bitoin doing its thing.
I believe the first time I had heard of the rounding issue was after the launch of PD3 and one of our developers immediately said that was incorrect. However, I will be having a conversation with our developers and bring up the points you responded with as they do seem valid. While PD2 was running I was always told/under the impression that PD2 was running at a very very slight disadvantage (1/1M bets). Obviously our intention wasn't to secretly increase our house edge a rather insignificant amount if correct, after all we've effectively decreased our edge to .91% for the moment. I am more reach-able via PM by the way if you do not get a reply in a reasonable amount of time.
Also the PD3 algorithm was fixed right after you noted it to us, we simply forgot to update the verification page. With regards to the tipping/chat scroll issue, this isn't our priority right now, as I'm sure you've noticed we have a variety of problems we're wrangling with. The idea I wanted to implement was having a freeze on mouse-over when hovering over the chat, this will hopefully come in the near future.
Our priority for today was fixing and resuming automatic cashouts which we did along with some bug fixes/minor exploits. Next we're working on fixing some socket issues, the mobile version and squashing some more bugs.
It probably seems like I'm shrugging off a lot of your feedback or ignoring it but I've been incredibly busy and haven't gotten the chance to properly respond/look into everything you've suggested. I made sure to get all the feedback I could from you prior to launch and we discussed this feedback heavily with our team. Some of the changes are yet to come after we sort out priorities. While it probably hasn't seemed like it this past week, I've always valued your opinion and input.
In other news grats to Slex on a very quick 22 coins made: