Hi there.
I have been a user since June 2016, I have been a regular player during the first year and lie-lowed. I just learned about PD being down today so I tried to get into my account. It told me to contact support and asked me to provide information like my ISP IP etc etc.
The chat support rep name is "Katarina", and I know she didn't mean to give me more trouble than necessary. Asked me for PD's deposit address, I wasn't able to provide. I told her all I can remember with my account. Whom I exchanged tips with, I gave her names.
Out of curiosity, I tried logging in to my forum.primedice.com account and I was surprised I got in. I told Katarina but I think it didn't do anything. She asked me to send an email from the address linked with my PD account to
[email protected], I told her I am not sure, then I received a system generated mail from PD,(screenshot)
http://prntscr.com/iq3cy5So I sent an email from the one where I received the system mail, told Katarina, and she told me that wasn't the email. I'm like WTF, your system just sent me an email and youre telling me this email isn't the right one. So I sent another email using another address which I'm sure I did not use as it is my work/school email, and she said that it is the right one.
Sorry if my story is confusing but I am totally confused to why this is happening,
Also, just a suggestion, don't just make security checks on PD, do it as well for forum.primedice.com as they are supposed to be linked.