so i am "luckbox" on primedice.
proof: i started playing on friday evening, i was in the negative 10 BTC or so range on luckbox. ive created other primedice accounts before but forgot their passwords, so then came along luckbox. and it was the worst month or two ever...i kept losing and i was like WTF luckbox is a piece of SHIT...until yesterday night.
my play style lets say is extremely aggressive, and at least in my opinion you need a large bankroll if you dont want to kill yourself. thats one big reason why that account was at negative 10 BTC already when i started playing yesterday.
anyhow, the first day i ended around 96 BTC up, which i was like holy shit, and my hands were literally shaking!!! i literally couldn't stop shaking it was ridiculous. at that point i think i tipped mod Randall like .25 i was like thanks for helping me get my money since the hot wallet is tapped out!
the second day, i read in chat that there is a list for top players on primedice, and that there is a 100+ BTC club. hearing this and my competitive nature...i figured i was only 4 BTC away, fuck that I'm gonna go big or go home. So i start my play, but im multitasking and playing three on betcoin, penguincasino (good girl bad girl slots, triple poker, blackjack etc), and then of course primedice. next thing you know im taking big hits on betcoin, and penguincasino and im down to about 75 BTC from 120 BTC when i started in the morning. so i said fuck it and deposited 55 BTC into my primedice account and started going HAM.
i dont know why, but i love playing 9x. i always play roll over 88.99 to win, and never change to the inverse. win chance is 11%. obviously everything is randomized and what i say now is heresay, but this is my strategy for this who care:
my initial idea of playing 9x was because a 1 in 10 chance seemed pretty decent in terms of probability and payout. however, primedice as we know it does not work this way. you can have 60 times no hits on 11% sometimes, and then other times you can have 6 hits of 88+ in a row!! so i usually bet low until a get a nice green hit, sometimes two, and thats when most people will start reducing their betting. for me, i think of it as the streak starter and start increasing my bets exponentially (probably 2x twice) and then take about 6 rolls. if nothing hits, i decrease big time, and start to rebuild. sometimes if its a really big 2x (imagine you are betting .23 to hit and win 1.84). not many ppl can survive many of those, so for those i take at max 3 to 4 rolls, and scale back to my initial betting. if you start getting on hot streaks, as soon as you roll green, 2x roll it agian, and keep 2x'ing it because next thing you know your stack on 1 BTC becomes like 6 BTC. and at the same time, be mindful of the droughts. when they come...they last a long time, so make sure your not betting too much during these times. i also have some paranoia about different seed randomization. if it is bad and its not going the way i thought it would, i will typically reload my browser and then randomize seed. anyway thats pretty much all i did to win. its just luck at the end of the day. i think the best stretch i had was when i was at about 60 BTC, and i was betting 1 BTC trying to win 8 BTC, and i was a pussy and didn't 2x that but it hit like 4 times in a row, and all of a sudden i was at like 90-100 BTC. and the other one was where i 2x'd a 1 BTC and it hit 16 BTC. so basically these multiples do happen when u get hot and thats really the only advice i have. ill shut up now. best of luck! luckbox