"You can mute for thousands of hours if wanted. Generally toss people a short ban (few hours) unless they are bots/spammers or continued abusers. "
direct quote from stunna so hush
Continued abuse
That may be a privilegge of becoming mods there but that doesnt mean that you can keep on muting people that tell you something. Honestly someone who tell you to stop and dont play with the mute button shouldnt be mute as you like. The chatroom is getting absurd with only steveds managing the chatroom
so thats why i get so much shit
because i was buddy buddies with everyone and now because I'm mod i have to assert authority
A mod doesnt need to be strict and a ruler . Micro is friendly although that he is a mod and he never mute anyone that tell him something for his own good. My point stands, this is an abuse, someone who tell you not to keep on muting for your own good shouldnt be mute