Thanks stunna for the opportunity to protect chat
Congrats Steve! We needed a mod who tends to stay up late with the rest of us degenerates
how to nominate become mod chat ? Is there any special requirement ? Are being mod getting paid ?
PD has huge profit and I'm wondering how much you will got paid for being chat mod.
BTC 1 / month ??
Yes mod is a volunteer job.
I lately make for a living just from bitcoin , and it all started by becoming a mod on pd , so yeah can be pretty good .
Yes i dont get paid for it but it opened lots of opportunity's for me , made me lots of friends and got me started to be where i am now.
I do get paid for some other small jobs i do for pd thou. And i also made some wise investments . So currently i make enough to live only off it and be pretty happy .
Its not always about the money sometimes u get more by starting with less.