Since I was in direct contact with the creator I got some insight on the quality of private key production. They are almost-anything resistant (scratch, heat, water, acid, any kind of light spectrum) and the laser print has similar properties.
I was also a little shocked to read up on the Lealana private key issue and then did some research regarding some of the other big player coins. To me, unless you are a super-niche "just for friends and as a hobby" producer, it baffles me, that it is not common practice to use better, more resistant and more durable materials for the most valuable aspect of these collectibles.
Just my 50 satoshis.
Resell. Don’t claim.
One aspect I love about crypto collectibles is the amazing mix of traditional collectible (maybe including some rare metals) and crypto. This creates a situation where you would always hesitate to "destroy" this rare collectible to access the funds. And thus just make it an amazing way to long-term safe some cryptocurrency.
If this feature is in danger, it loses a lot of its charm to me personally.