And how would that work, how would you decide when a automated "landmark" is valid or not ? If you automate and decentralize the "landmark" creation you end up with same problem you started with.
If the attacker and manages to get 51% of the hashing power to setup his chain + his landmarks then what ? If he can't convince other peers he can still pretend by making sure he has 51% of nodes (network communication) as well. The result would fork the whole network and every new client would accept his longer chain ...
Web of Trust ? again you risk forking the chain between web's ...
"Landmarks" sound cool but unless there is a central authority managing them they don't solve anything.
Even if I didn't make mistakes, I still need feedback so I can improve the exposition (I'm bad at that).
I'm lazy, if you tell people to read at least add a link plz
for other lazy people
PoS ? Looks like a interesting and feasible option to me.
To get back on topic you would need to make sure every alt chain on the exchange is secured against double spend and atm I don't trust any of them. (Btc (maybe Ltc) is (are) the only one(s) that has (have) the hashing power to be semi secure.)