I believe knowledge is power and this also applies to any ventured investment. Understanding one's indigenous environment first can help to establish and harness strategies on how to dispense information about bitcoin especially on the country economic stronghold amidst exploring the vastness of trade and building currency value. Finally, creating more platforms like this and involving the indigenous media with the true value that bitcoin as a crypto portrays will be of great economic help to the community and the nation at large.
In my country the indigenous populace are living in the remote areas with limited access to electricity and zero internet connection. Aside from that poverty is high and they are even have a problem on eating rich food since most of the times they are only eating once a day. If we want to teach bitcoin to these indigenous people then we should provide assistance to them. Here are the biggest obstacles in teaching bitcoin to Indigents:
1. No food at the table
It is hard to teach about bitcoin when they are merely surviving. If we want to teach about cryptocurrency them we should help first by providing livelihood programs so they can earn for themselves and buy food in their table and provide other necessities.
2. High illiteracy rate
These people does not even know how to read and write except for some and it is a need to establish a school near the area. How can they understand bitcoin if they even know how to read and write.
3. Absence of Electricity
There is a need to set-up electricity in their area which is very costly considering their distance to the urban centers.
4. Installation of internet connection
This is very important, How can they use bitcoin if there is no internet connection
5. Cannot afford to buy pc or mobile phones
Due to poverty they cannot avail to buy these things but we cannot give dole out so we need to strenghten their livelihood program.
At the end of the day it is very hard to teach the indigenous people about bitcoin since before we can teach them we need to solve their problems at the grassroot level. Aside from that it is very costly.