Yes, you missed the point entirely. I'm not interested in what someone else told you, the fact is that with the current scheme you are free to set whatever pattern you want as the user has no input into this.
That's true, but setting a pattern would be a disadvantage. Any user that discovered the pattern could then accurately predict the answer and break the bank. I've done a lot of thinking on the topic of random numbers,
Martingale systems, roulette, etc., because the subject interests me
The fact is we show the player exactly what the answer is at the bottom of the screen before they choose. How we arrive at that answer is irrelevant, because we can't control what the player will do. If they pick the correct side they win and we can't change that without providing a different game hash to what we showed.
That happens to be exactly what moderate is referring to. With some statistical analysis, you can make educated guesses as to which card the player will pick next. Then you generate a hash of the opposite one.
1. User picks "left" four times in a row
2. Server creates string "right:54fb18c1a..."
3. Server hashes the string ("0dd38ef...") and shows the hash to the player
4. The user loses, and checks the hash
With a client seed, this becomes more difficult. With some nice client-side Javascript which suggests a random client seed, this becomes much more difficult.
Yes, you're correct that we could try to pre-guess what the player will do, but you're forgetting any player can imagine we're doing that, just as you're imagining. They can then know with higher probability what the computer will select and alter their choice to win -- in other words "fake out" any prediction algorithm, choose "left" four times in a row to get the computer to select "right" as you say.
As I describe above, there are only 2 choices, and one will win, which is shown. The player
always has a 50/50 chance to choose correctly. There is nothing we can do to stop that.