When you depend on money, you have limitations.
Are public schools completely bereft of economics education today?
yes, they are
I don't understand why we spend billions on paying the teachers for doing nothing
they are a huge burdain to tax payers
wouldn't it be simpler to print out extremy detailed books and the kids would only come to school for exams
where the country would pay controllers short-term for the exams..
you say they couldn't learn?
the society would develop the way there would be many video tutorials and explanations online
there is really no need to waste the hard earned money of the people..
It is not that simple. If we abolished schools, this would evidently give a spur to crime rates (since youths are under control in school even if they are beyond any hope in respect to education). And then we would have to spend even more money struggling with crimes and social disintegration as a result.
I don't think so
There's around 20 teachers in each school, 5 cleaning ladies, 1 principal, 4 assistans and simmilar stuff, 1 janitor...
I'm sure I'm missing something but that's over 30 employees
That means with that money (from only 1 school closed) you could hire almost 30 police officers
That's only 1 school!
Imagine closing all the schools in a city, the city would never be safer
And crime rates wouldn't increase that much, perhaps a slight 10% or something
Hiring a few more cops would do it or setting up cameras in significant locations
A whole bunch of money would be left to use and invest
I hope you are kidding!
You can't just hire 30 more police officers. You would need a lot of more people (doctors for wounded in gangs' fights, advocates to defend them and prosecutors to blame, prisons and whatnot). Also, a police officer salary is obviously not equal to that of a cleaning woman.
but it isn't equal to the one of a principal
and I don't know why you're assuming that there will be an all out warfare if schools closed lol
there wouldn't be such gangs, if there would be any change it would be a slight change
not this catastrophy you're describing
I don't even think that extra officers should be hired at all
Millions of uneducated teenagers on the street without support from their parents or anyone else won't be solved by "hiring more police officers"
I'll try to explain this non sense in your language as you seem to be looking at the $ side of things without a moral perspective.
"More police officers" + millions of board teenagers on the street fending for themselves (gangs) will without a doubt place a massive surge on arrests and tax payer funded prisons.
That means instead of paying a single teacher to control and educate 30 students 6-7 hours a day, by your logic we are now instead accommodating, feeding, protecting and PAYING for an individual who will most likely grow up to have a better understanding of the inside of a jail cell than the real world.
Less educated, productive individuals out there slows down economic growth. The inevitable growth in crime rate will also effect the financial security of local businesses (mexico is a good example of this).
@OP What makes the 'intelligent' individuals immune from the 'money' that the average people claim as their 'consolation prize'?