I want to stick to simple facts that dash cold water in the face of newbs. The cult followers cannot be helped. And I have no sympathy for fools and their money. But I hate that many people's first experiences with Bitcoin is being ripped off. This is my public service to Bitcoin. It deserves more from me, but it's a start.
Seriously Man!! Youre awesome.. I went through an ordeal i wouldnt wish my experience on
anyone, the stress, the anxiety, the anticipation and then the heartbreak x 2!!
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=85.0I can only imagine going through all that and
then paying up only to have
nothing.. 7-8 months later!
On the page i linked to i spoke about
sentiment and how it carries over > brands , people, companys , communitys.
Its something that rubbed me the wrong way during the short time ive been here! People
are near riot level in their heads regarding BFL and every page is plastered with BFL ads.. From a community stand point the shadow reflection it leaves everywhere is bothersome to say the least.
Its not till youre here a bit that you suddenly see the veins pulsing as people get animated during discussion about BFL and you realize .. Wait a minute here! There is a rampant sentiment and its breeding..
Its the reason people are throwing tomatoes the minute they hear new asic miner company... Its self propelling and leads to rage and trolling and a general feeling of untrustworthy.. -->> This gradually gravitates to other threads and leeches on to other subjects and before you know it you have a community of scammers just taking advantage of one another !!! From the fpga/asic miner companys down to payment processors and even people hosting asics for groups ..
Sometimes as in my case pointing a finger and stacking blame doesnt really help at all.. Im just out some loot and missed my chance of getting a miner from a company i want to support! <----! I didnt get scammed so to speak but my experience has been rough to say the least.
I wouldnt wish it anyone not even the trolls..----
That said ! Entropy-uc youre awesome for starting this thread! I hope youre
sentiment runs rampant and encourages other people , brands and companys to act in a manner that reflects a supportive community at least one that doesnt prey on people!
If you dont think those ads arent
preying on noobs think again!!