While it's not possible that Putin will do that. Dropping a nuke will only make more enemies for Russia and there might be no diplomatic talks anymore. This will just trigger the nuclear power countries to go to war when right now they are just looking away. He is already winning by just choking the gas supply. The skirmishes are what he will do since it's about who is going to last long as sanctions take effect. Putin will not do it, he does have a strategy for everything and thinks of consequences.
no it won't putin will justify it with same situation like the US with japan, why should he allow this to escalate the woke west will go after china with same manners like they now go after russia, they will not respect state authorieties they don't mean anything for the woke corrupted west.
Putin will just make the world against him once he does that. Right now, there are lots of people and countries that are neutral in this conflict because they know he has the reason to react in that manner and those leaders understand his cause. It should remain that way, he should mind to keep it that way.
There is no need for nukes because he even needs the countries that abstained to be on his side.
What difference would he be to President Truman if he does that? Learn from the past because the people who survived the bombing of Japan suffered even after decades.
that's not true he is pretty good in dividing people, like he divided the USA into woke and antiwoke he will also create a new un in which the USA is suspended from the human rights council, etc.
nuking ukraine would have same justifications like the nuking of japan, ukranians are fanatics they don't stop fighting, only if they are being taken what they are fighting for they could get demoralised bacause the ukranian army is reinforced by american and transatlantic woke racist hate preachers
Of course, Ukrainians should fight, it's thier country. Who else would fight for thier country? Almost every country has border disputes and a history of hostility toward each, all they need is just a table in the middle of it just as how North and South Korea did to finally put an end even for just a decade.
Ukraine is important to Russia to be neutral. If they are not neutral, they're just putting Russia on the edge. Putin would not want to also put the world to the edge by nuking Ukraine. The division in US has been there for a long time ago, they were even a civil war due to that during Abraham Lincoln. Its not just grid hacking but BLM is also done by Putin?