Qui bono? But most likely we never will know the real answer.
here comments from ZH that I like :
As I have stated before… the diminutive Putin (5’5” without lifts) is going down. This particular killing MAY have been a personal or political vendetta (unrelated to Putin) but it would be in keeping with his tendency to overreach as is always the case with psychopaths.
The preponderance of positive (to Putin) ZH commentary is just another nail in his coffin. Such positive commentary by ZHers is deadly since ZH is unfailingly on the wrong side of every trade. ZH is a very effective contra indicator… always wrong, all the time.
What an amazing track record.
Keep up the good work.
Got Beanie Babies? … sorry, I meant “Got Bitcoin?”
This one is really well constructed if you look at it closely. Is the author part of the USMIIC? Shall be interesting to discuss his line of orders and where it does lead...
now more cooler :
I guess this guy might have seen the light and refused to continue being a CIA asset. So the CIA whacked him and blamed the murder on someone else, as usual.
Hack, the guy might even have been quite cooperative with the CIA, but if he's worth more dead than alive, then so be it. If 3000 American lives can be sacrificed on a single day in NY, what's the big deal of killing one in Moscow?!
We all know now who were behind the murder of "protestors" in Ukraine, and civilian passengers aboard Malaysian airliners!
this is the mistake that those behind the 9.11 did, they attacked the Swarm... you have no idea.
Boris Nemtsov will not be missed in Russia. He was another Khordokovsky type - a Jewish criminal gangster rising to great power by selling out his country's interests to those of the West during the Yeltsin years. He had few followers, and would have been far down the list of those that the Kremlin would condier 'dangerous'.
For the rest of the world outside Russia, his death will be used as a weapon against Putin - indeed, it already is as all the MSM are jumpiong onto the 'Putin does it again' bandwagon.
The jewish is useless, because he can't be among, he stole. he is just a criminal. ex-jewish or born jewish is okay still.
If only the usa took as seriously 9.11 wtc 7 and it's data, pentagon and it's data as seriously... pb with quantic physic said that never dies... I hope that the criminal will all agrees that it's better to repent now that to be exposed forever.