
Topic: QMS Vega PowerPlayTable edit, miner switch, global apply, by VGA - page 3. (Read 1797 times)

Activity: 75
Merit: 0
New update became available, discard last QMS folder and download new zip file (last version had a buggy fan control)

Download link:

ReadMe.txt update: 12052018pb4

Activity: 75
Merit: 0
We have just uploaded, after popular demand in the slack channel, a new QMS version that gives the user control of each gpu separate

download link same as above
Activity: 75
Merit: 0
Thank for the input xpulse, much appreciated, we are taking everything you point out as well as the others into consideration for the QMS update.

Just to let you all know, QMS will undergo a big update just after the end of the yet to be announced ITO

1 button start to 0%fee pools and miners
Auto Coin Switch
Individual GPU control (as well as global)
FE support
Remote access/Networking
Wattage calculator
SMS/Email Alarms
GPU find function (identify which GPU on QMS monitor is which on your rig)
and much more

open beta period coming to a happy close soon

Activity: 141
Merit: 0
Testing QMS on my 5 x Vega 64 rig, would say very comfortable utility. PowerPlay table, OC, monitoring cards, running and configuring miner and rest features from 1 place.

At this moment I'm using blockchain drivers, and it is a requirements for this utility. My personal issue with blockchain is a artifacts with xmr-stack miner so I mover to cast-xmr in order to testing this powerful util.

Nice support via chat. Ed (developer) and Moderator or chat, helps with different issues almost immediately.

Interesting to read other review from other tester.
Activity: 75
Merit: 0
Activity: 75
Merit: 0
Hi all,

We finished an open public beta test of the FREE4ALL features included on our ITO launch software QMS 01.0.0.

QMS is free to download and use, will save you a lot of time doing the Vega prep work  crossfire/ulps/last settings made default and applying settings globally (especially useful for setting fan speed to the whole rig with 1 click)
Works with all miners, with QMS running start your miner.

QMS was funded and developed to serve all Vega users but is a pooled effort.
Vega Token ITO is LIVE NOW:
QMS v01.0.0

Download link:

Crypto Miner Automation Software

Fair Warning:
Use hardware according to manufacturer guidelines, VGA is not responsible for misuse of VGA products and/or the adventures of a brick maker.

Rig Requirements:
GPU- RADEON RX VEGA 64/56 Ref./Custom, only, any count
OS- Win10-64, updated
Driver- AMD Blockchain Driver Version 17.30.1029 (Windows22.19.659.0) https[Suspicious link removed]
Miner- All current crypto mining software
Rig- must be prepared and stable to mine

First Run (5mins):
Disconnect all GPU, DDU, connect all GPU, install driver, launch QMS

CMD/ENV params- STAK,CAST,CLAYMORE,SRB,more coming
ATTENTION!!! Edit fields in CMD/ENV to match your details,rig,pool etc

Features with min 500VGA satoshi wallet address:
GPU range control- controls all, one, or a range of GPUs per PPT or settings
Preset User defined SoftPowerPlayTable ppt editor- Add,Edit,Delete
Secondary Monitor- Activate same/other ppt/GPU
Miner Control/One button mining- QMS starts on last settings
Click Switch global presets and miners- All miners, coins and pools
Clean PPT from Registry- One click global
Easy settings testing- One click global
Miner CMD and Environment edit- User defined QMS query box
Restart on drop- on Miner/GPU fail
Timed Restart- User defined
Click Reset- Disable/Enable global gpu
AutoStart- AutoStart mining on Win Startup
One time Login- Enter your details once, next rig only user+pass
Features FREE 4 ALL:
GPU range control- controls all, one, or a range of GPUs
Rig Monitor- GPU count Detect/RT Telemetry
Settings- FAN Min/Max RPM, Max Temp,  RPMGPU P5-P6 MHz/mV , MEM P3 MHz/mV, Mosquito
Prevent Fan Drop- Maintains Min user rpm setting
Autostart- Launches QMS on Win Startup
Auto set to Compute Load- At QMS startup
Auto disable CrossFire/Ulps- At QMS startup
Driver Version Report- Detect Driver corruption

Known Issues:
Fail to Restart- Fix by User Account Control Settings set to "Never Notify"
Autostart possible WIN bsod loop- Fix by VGA Mining OS (coming soon)
Restart Fail On Win freeze- Fix by VGA Mining OS (coming soon)

QMS Outgoing Connections:
Ethereum Blockchain- Wallet validation
VGA Server- Wallet validation

VGA Head Software Developer:
Ed K.

more info:

Slack Channel QMS Discussion:

Full working QMS version is now available at ITO.


Thank you

VGA Dev. Team

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