Investing in Altcoins had been what so many invested have been looking at these period. Believing that bitcoin's bull run will surely influence the price of the altcoins and hive them massive gains. Literally if bitcoin rises altcoins follow suit but this is the only reason i see that makes potential investors to invest in Bitcoin. There is no other interest as they feel its unsafe to store value or wealth, cant be used for p2p transactions and it cant be trusted to hodl for long. If you think there is any other reasons that makes investors put their money in altcoins feel free to share. I would love to know.
Instead of quick profit, what if we use "huge profit"? Some altcoins since they last pumped in the last bull run and crash, they have not pump yet and that's in between the space of nothing less than 3-4 years. Coins like Solana had an incredible run back then but everything crash, one of the worst moments for many investors and people that didn't invest because it sent bad message about crypto but today, it's one of the coins that has had a good recovery after all the drama.
Altcoins can give you 10x without doing much work, they can print you more than you can expect and this profits are big but subjective to your capital, this is the main reason why I think a lot of investors like altcoins. The Bitcoin return is great as well but because it's little in return due to it growth and that's why many don't like to put money into it like altcoins especially the ones with low market caps.
You seem to understand how most of these altcoins work and what some of them have done in the past. Truly, Solana has been one altcoin that has high potential during these periods. However, i can still relate to its huge and quick profits at the same time. This is because altcoin pumps can give you massive profits and also massive losses, whatever comes your way. The main reason i empathize with quick profit is that alcohols are not to be invested in for so long. I can't imagine an investor holding an altcoin for a decade, but you can do that with bitcoin. I see altcoins as something that, if you want to hold a maximum of 1 year, is very okay. If you trust the altcoin so much, you can extend it to 2 years.
If altcoins can give you 10x bitcoin, they can give you 20x without much stress as well. Its better you tell me that altcoin can give me 1000x to 10000x. Yes, that is a fucking significant pump i can bet on.