Quickseller, let's clear some things up shall we?
I sent you a message asking you to escrow this transaction (this was only the begining) specifically stating that I want you to check on the acount BEFORE asking me for money, seller agrees.
Now let me stop right here, you're thinking that what I do is fishy and finally even give me a negative trust rating. What lead here was you thinking that I'm trying to scam or expose the seller. And I ask, why would I do this? Why would I pretend that I want to buy an account just to know the name of the account and ruin it's reputation? Would I earn money from that in some way? Logically speaking, I would have no motivation to ruin an account's reputation, you were being overly protective clearly. But let's just say that this is normal with bitcoin and forget it.
Back to the events on a chronological order, afetr the seller agrees with my terms, you send me terms saying that I should pay on your escrow address first, disregarding my terms without a thought. Your excuse was that the transaction wouldn't be secure. Let me tell you something, you couls ask the user for a link to his profile and a sign message, custom post or anything similar. This way you could verify that he owns the account and just check if what he said about the account's rank was valid just with a link.
So you have no excuse when you say that you wouldn't check on the account just with a link, I told you to do it, I didn't though I'd have to tell you how to do it since you're supposedely experienced with that kind of stuff.
No password change=no public logging, but you could still, securely check the account with the term I set.And even if you couldn't,
you could have not accepted the fucking trade. Plain and simple. Why accept a trade by changing the terms. See where this lead to?
So after I saw your terms I messaged you, tellink you how they don't comply with the ones I sent, you reply with this:
There is nothing in the original agreement that says the identity must be confirmed prior to funding escrow.
3. There was no good reason for me to try and "scam" or hurt the reputation of the seller. (But you have every right you want not to believe this)
If anything quickseller,
you made things much more difficult. I don't know why you would give me a negative trust rating for not wanting to complete a deal with you. You know that backing off from a deal is not scamming. I had no intention to scam anybody, and I think that it's not right for you to use your good trust like that. Honestly, do you want people to be scared for backing from deals even if you don't treat em right? Because that's what I feel you did to me.