I saw the other post regarding quitting smoking, but it appeared to be more focused on cigarettes and nicotine. I've never smoke cigarettes. I have smoked weed for 15 years almost everyday. I am on my 4th day without weed cold turkey. Day 1 and 2 were brutal. I vomited. I was nauseated. That has passed. My anxiety levels are through the roof with some depression. My appetite is zero. My mood is pretty much wanting to beat the shit out of everyone and everything. Sleep? What is that? I ran 3 miles today (I ran 4-5 days a week even when I smoked). That helped tremendously. Baths help.
Anyone else quit cold turkey? Any advice? Your experience?
You will get over it and you will be able to sleep better too.
30 years i been smoking weed i stopped for 3 years though many year ago when the rocky was around .
It was getting me paranoid .
Anyways how i stopped i had a drink
..< Not everyday drinking about 3 times a week.
Then stopped drink and went back on the weed
Do you know what it's easy if no one around you smokes it..
But if someone from your area and you do the same thing you will smoke it..
So try and change your routine ..
BUT man going without a weed good luck .To stressful in this day and age without 1..
Even having 1 joint 1 hour before bed is better than smoking it all day..
Just in case life gets to stressful .
But you are better without it so good luck..
One day i hope to join you cough me guts up everyday because of weed..
So not healthy like some say it is..BUT a lot healthy than drinking a 1000 fold..
But never been one for eating weed..Because i know what ever you burn becomes toxic ..
Like imagine smoking a cabbage drying it out and smoking it still wont be healthy if you smoked a cabbage but a cabbage is healthy if you eating it..
Same might go for weed.. NEEDS STUDYING
I gave my little boy CANNABIS to help cure his cancer: Mother ... son who was given days to live made a miracle recovery when she gave him weed..
you will be like zebedee for a while..