My personal belief is the project needs a contract or two for storing information. Seems like a PR guy job to make those kind of connections?
Agree, the technology is there, now is time for far more marketing.
Agreed. I personally am not good at marketing, but would appreciate any feedback, including what parts of the ANN are easy to understand, and what parts need fixing or updating.
I thought you just employed a professional PR guy?
I wasn't thinking about Twitter campaigns, viral ads etc....I was thinking more about getting some real world companies onboard using the system. Like Factom has some Chinese high tech cities using their system etc.....something along those lines.
People need to see a company using the tech. I don't see why you guys couldn't contact companies, show them the tech and use them as examples of the tech in use for others to see. Even subsidizing them with Radium so you can use them to advertise the potential. I feel like you guys are sat on a massive high tech company but you haven't been able to realize that in a tangible way yet......and I say YET cause I have faith you guys will get there once the tech is further polished etc.
Here's a thought. How about a basic product and a paid for more featured product focused on business use, in the same way much online software is sold, a basic free option and the pro bundle etc....possibly with helpline support etc. I know this is not the current state of the project but it could help build the vision long term as a real high tech company further down the line.