I will take 12 spots in the main raffle. 3,7,C in each table.
Yours! Thanks for kicking this one off and good luck!
Nice Satori raffle,
due to the price of each spot, just a recommendation to increase the number of prizes, might get more response.
You mean the number of winners? I think the raffle is fairly priced considering what is up for offer, there will also be raffleceptions coming up shortly for a chance to get in even cheaper
Holy Satori Bat-Man :O that's a lot of orange chippies!!!
Good luck with the raffle. Will be fun to watch.
Gracias Sir. Mantis, you know where to find me if you want a few spots
52 Tickets Remaining and Raffleception is coming up soon, finishing up some work and that is why there's a delay, sorry!