Available Tickets: 0/16 Remaining
1 - Mr. X
2 - chronicsky
3 - chronicsky
4 - Mr. X
5 - chronicsky
6 - Mr. X
7 - Mr. X
8 - chronicsky
9 - Mr. X
0 - Mr. X
a - chronicsky
b - chronicsky
c - Mr. X
d - Mr. X
e - Agrawas
f - Mr. X
PPT: 0.003BTC
Ticket Limit: None
Pay To: > 3ExAqEsv7pSKisN5FY4RF62bQNeivusW4Q < (Same as main raffle addy)
Prizes: 4x Tickets to Main Raffle.
How we'll play:
Pick one of the available tickets above, reply with pick + TxID. One full (and paid) I'll select 10 consecutive blocks that will be mined in the near future and use those for reference. The last character in the hash of those blocks represents the tickets and whoever gets a hit wins! First 4 blocks determines who wins a ticket to the main raffle, the next 6 tickets determines who wins a ticket to the next raffleception.
Winning blocks Raffleception 9:
Main raffle win - Block #570837 - "f" - Mr. X, Congratz!
Main raffle win - Block #570838 - "d" - Mr. X, Congratz!
Main raffle win - Block #570839 - "6" - Mr. X, Congratz!
Main raffle win - Block #570840 - "d" - Mr. X, Congratz!