Hello everyone, I created an image for raspberry pi for the stake of coins pos ready I'll explain how to do:
Material used: raspberry pi 2 and a micro sd 32 gb class 10
Let's start:
Download the 'image hoed here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zk2pdp4uefv0tf/StakerBox.img.zip?dl=0unzip the file will have a file .img
Now you must insert the image into the micro sd, download the appropriate program for your operating system here:
now it is written the micro sd (the programs are very intuitive) just select the tab and tell where you downloaded the file .img
Ok now we have the micro sd with the image, insert it into the raspberry pi and accendiamolo.
now we have two alternatives if we have the raspberry pi attached to a monitor and keyboard and mouse you can skip the next step those without the monitor will connect using the SSH service.
SSH: Windows users look here
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/ to mac and linux go into the terminal and write ssh pi @ ip ssh example
[email protected] (to find l ' ip go to the menu of the modem)
It will ask for a password that is: raspberry
and we will be in a box like this:
Now for everyone (who monitor open a terminal window) enter the command sudo stalks-config and we will be here:
First click expand filesystem
then change user passwords and put what we like (the default is raspberry)
now on internationalization option you can change the time zone and language (default or put the Italian time and I left the English language)
I did not put any overclocking at this point go to hit return and finish the raspberry restarts taking for example the new password and other changes that you like to set.
Now users have a screen are ready for those who have not,
I installed VNC server on the image to get it started giving the terminal command: tightvncserver and enter a password to your liking, then let's do it from issuing an example: vncserver: 0 -geometry 1920x1080 -depth 24 (note that you can set geometry you want to type 800x600 etc.)
now download the program from here vnc:
https://www.realvnc.com/download/ Start it and you will get this screen:
who wants to can start automatically when you start the raspberry the VNC client without giving any command
(In this case, follow this guide:
Now we're all here.
To back up wallet.dat you can do so by inserting a USB key in raspberry and doing the classic copy paste or using FTP service that I already installed in the image and is used with an ftp client like this: https: // cyberduck. I put the ip of raspberry pi as a user and password that you created at the beginning (default is raspberry).
In the picture I have not entered any wallet filled slowly but put them here, I will create a folder containing hoed 3 files (the wallet, an icon and a different file) what they do? those who only want the wallet without icon just click the file 2 times and are affixed to those who want a result like this:
You will have to create a folder named Icon inside / home / pi / Pictures (terminal mkdir / home / pi / Pictures / Icon) .png enter the newly created folder, enter the file's wallet filled in the / home / pi / WALLET and the third file in the Desktop / home / pi / Desktop.
to be sure that everything is ok to go to the folder WALLET and give this command: sudo chmod + x name of the wallet.
I hope it's a good start to begin using the raspberry for coins POS.
Anyone wishing to make donations:
BTC: 1PdVtKwfaxyHri9vti92Yx3zm3amNeC3ku
LTC: LKGFmvwLr2pWeZhMYV8coxzwevbaNg3f6Z
DUKE: D98XyKC7GWXdjkfd4vomhHF7bELSFbwnvM
Wallet insert that? For requests you can send me a PM or write here.