Money originates from the problems presented by direct exchange, as I already showed here: Although a private group can partially control it, money originates from the market.
You are 'showing' science fiction. Visit the self-sufficient, stateless communities in the rainforest and ask about money.
No tax - no money (contract debt), which is a derivative of the tax (enforced debt), which is a derivative of the weapon.
The communities to which you refer hardly have any need for money. As I showed before (please read this:, money arises from a concrete need, namely to make possible for different owners of different commodities to exchange them no matter in which configuration (one situation in which money has historically arisen was in exchanges between different communities).
Yes, of course do the stateless communities not have any need for money. This need arises as soon as the communities are being confiscated by militarists and priests (aka the state mafia) and enforced to pay tax (protection money).
Patriarchy = state mafia, citizens (protection money paying slaves), business, markets, organized violence.
Anarchy = self-sufficiency of humans
Please consider the following problem.
How would you make that exchange possible?