At the moment it is in red as the whole market is not in good mood. I believe in next few weeks RDD will start to rise rapidly. what do you think? will it reach $.50 sooner?
I noticed that some one has analyzed Why RDD price should climb up in next few months in somewhere. As I think he has nicely analyzed the situation I will publish it here.
1.Cryptocurrency as a whole has grown exponentially this year, market cap ok the industry increasing from 90 billion USD to almost 600 billion. That is after the market pullback of the last few weeks. This growth is expected to continue into and throughout the new year.
2.Following from the above, people new to crypto may be dubious of its future, so what will they likely do? Invest in small value alts such as our beloved reddcoin. Ok so they might not all integrate into the community and promote the use of the coin but some will, that’s growth.
3.When redd-I’d is released the ease of use provided across platforms to buy and use it for social media will be a huge huge selling point and I believe will grab a massive portion of newcomers to the crypto space. I consider myself smart, but it took hours and hours of reading watching videos and asking questions of forums to comfortably understand the ins and outs of crypto; wallets, exchanges, public and private keys, bitcoin versus altcoina and their relationship to each other in the market space. It’s a steep learning curve, and that’s without much delving into the specifics of blockchain technology or cryptology etc etc. When we get redd-I’d I believe that curve will be blunted a lot and make it so much more accessible to the flocks of people that will no doubt be coming to crypto land I’m 2018.
4.Community - The redd community is one of the best (if not the best) online communities I have been a part of, as far as engagement with the subject and willingness to help others. That in and of itself is a huge deal, without even considering the huge potential the coin has in and of itself.
5.Upcoming news and events - so in the shorter term let’s think about what is in store for Redd (yes there have been delays and dev team changes, but that’s done so let’s move forward), possible listing on binance and exposure to the huge Chinese market space, as well as the petitions for altcoin exchange and steam network; any of these are going to give a nice bump to the value of rdd... but more importantly there will be more awareness!! And in the case of rdd awareness is key, it’s deaigned for cross platform use on social media, it should be used by as many platforms as possible and for that to happen we need more awareness of the coin.
Who is that billionaire ? Do you know him personally or what? I assume your statement came up with a responsibility