can anyone clarify my position as a previous shareholder of companies listed on glbse?
I know nefario released shareholder names to "companies" on the 12th december 2012. Since then, three I held shares with have contacted me and upheld their contracts/ dividends but five have not?.
Do I just wait and hope they will come forward? or do I name them and hope shame them into a reaction of sorts (even an acknowledgement would help)?
Or do I ask others in the same situation to band together to find a solution?
Or is there already a place this is happening?
How do the documents here help shareholders (of companies not contacting their shareholders?)exactly and will a resolution of that data resolve shareholders concerns? Any clarification would be helpful. reg.
ok so I posted the question to the thread originator but got no reply- so re-posting as I am unwilling to just let this and my btc's go. reg